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#Best Qualities Of The Holy Prophet – Islam Peace Of Heart

The Holy Prophet was totally different from the people among whom he was born and with whom he lived as a child and adult....

#Sermon of the Holy Prophet – Islam Peace Of Heart

The Holy Prophet PBUH delivered his last sermon in the plain of Arafat, near the Jabal-e-Rehmat, the "Mount of Mercy". This sermon is not...

#The Conquest of Makkah – Islam Peace Of Heart

After the Treaty of Hudaibiya, the Khuza tribe joined the Muslims, while the Banu Bakr tribe became an ally of the Quraish. One of...

#Reasons for relationship between Jews and Prophet PBUH – Islam Peace Of Heart

When the Holy Prophet PBUH migrated to Madinah, he sought to develop friendly relations with the Jews. For this purpose, he signed a treaty...

#Relation Between Jews And Prophet PBUH – Islam Peace Of Heart

When the Holy Prophet came to Madinah, he made agreements with the Jewish tribes of Madinah to defend the city from foreign invaders and...

#Message Of Islam To The Emperors – Islam Peace Of Heart

In the sixth year after Hijrat the Holy Prophet PBUH decided to invite the rulers and kings of neighbouring countries to embrace Islam. Preparation...

#Impact and Conclusion – Islam Peace Of Heart

Defeat in the battle of Uhad came as a great shock to the Muslims. They could not understand how they could achieve victory at...

#Life Of Prophet | 2nd Year Of Hijrat – Islam Peace Of Heart

Fasting: Fasting in the month of Ramazan was made obligatory upon all adult Muslim In the second year of the Hijrat in these words of...

#Life of Holy-Prophet PBUH in Makkah and Madinah – Islam Peace Of Heart

Hypocrites / Munafikeen At the time of the Prophet's migration, many people of Madinah accepted Islam. However, among them there were some who did not...

#Arrangements of Madinah for the inhabitants – Islam Peace Of Heart

Settlement of Muhajirin: The Muslims in Madinah belonged to two categories. Those who had migrated to Madinah firom Makkah were known as Muhajirin or emigrants....

#The Holy Prophet Life in Madinah – Islam Peace Of Heart

1ST YEAR OF HIJRAT Mosque of the Prophet PBUH  The first important thing that the Holy Prophet PBUH did on arriving in Medinah was to build...

#Holy Prophet Experiences In The Cave – Islam Peace Of Heart

a) Cave of Hira he event that took place in the cave of Hira was the beginning of revelation of the Holy Quran that not...