#The Holy Prophet Life in Madinah – Islam Peace Of Heart


Mosque of the Prophet PBUH 

The first important thing that the Holy Prophet PBUH did on arriving in Medinah was to build a mosque that not only became a spiritual centre for worship. but also the political and military headquarters for the new state.

All affairs of the state were conducted at the mosque. It soon developed into an institute of learning where discussions and seminars were held, and a social institution where Muslims learnt and practised discipline, unity and brotherhood.

The land for the mosque was bought from two orphans and the Holy Prophet PBUH himself worked hard with his companions to complete the building. This mosque was known as the “Mosque of the Prophet PBUH or Masjid-e-Nabawi. It is referred to in the Quran in the following words:

“there is a mosque whose foundation was laid from the first day on piety: it is more worthy of thy standing forth (for prayer) therein. In it are men who love to be purified, and Allah loveth those who make themselves pure.” (9:108)

The walls of the mosque were made of unbaked bricks, the roof was of mud and date palm leaves and the trunks of date palm trees were used for pillars. A large platform with a thatched roof, was built in one of the corners of the mosque. This was known as Suffah. It became the training centre for Islamic education and also a shelter for poor Muslims specially, the emigrants from Makkah.

After the Holy Ka’abah, the Masjid-e-Nabawi is the holiest mosque.

Azan (Call for Prayers)

In order to call the believers to the mosque for offering their prayers in congregation, the system of calling Azan was introduced, as suggested by Hazrat Umar.

Hazrat Bilal was appointed as the Muezzin.