#Important Personalities In Islam – Islam Peace Of Heart

1) Anas bin Malik

Anas bin Malik belonged to the Madinite tribe of Khazraj. He was born ten years before the migration of the Holy Prophet PBUH to Madinah. His mother was one of the earlier converts to Islam. He was brought up in a family which stood eminent in its devotion to Islam.

When the Holy Prophet PBUH settled in Madinah, Anas bin Malik’s father came to the Holy Prophet PBUH and requested him to take Anas under his care. The Prophet PBUH readily accepted the offer.

Anas bin Malik was always eager to be in the company of the Holy Prophet PBUH and being with him all the time, listening to his words, watching his deeds and doing different jobs for him. He took part in all the battles except the Battle of Badr, because of his young age.

Anas bin Malik was a trusted friend of the first four Khalifas. Hazrat Abu Bakr sent him to Bahrain to oversee government work there. Hazrat Umar sent him to Basra for educating the people, He is the narrator of many ahadis. He died in 93 A.H. He was the last of the Holy Prophet PBUH companions to die.

2) Abu Ayub Ansari

Abu Ayub Ansari belonged to the tribe of Khazraj. He was one of those Ansars who embraced Islam at the second pledge of Aqabah. He had the privilege of accommodating the Holy Prophet PBUH in his house after his migration to Madinah. He took part in all the battles of early Islam and served under the command of Amr bin Aas during the conquest of Egypt. Later, he was appointed by Hazrat Ali to the governorship of Madinah. During the rule of Ameer Muawiya, he took part in the invasion of Cyprus. During the siege of the Byzantine capital, an epidemic broke out. Abu Ayub fell victim to it and died in 50 A.H.

3) Usamah bin Zaid

Usamah bin Zaid was the son of Zaid bin Haris. He was born in Makkah in the third year of Prophethood. He was loved very much by the Holy Prophet PBUH who is reported to have said about him: “I bequeath to you good in treating Usamah because he is one of your righteous men.” (Muslim)

Once While holding his grandson Hassan, and also Usamah he made this Supplication for them: “O Allah, love them both for I love them”. (Bukhari)

Usamah took part in the battles of Ditch, Khyber and Hunain. The Holy Prophet PBUH had put him in command of an expedition to Syria. The army had not gone far from Madinah when the news of the Holy Prophet PBUH illness was reported to them. The army immediately returned to Madinah. Usamah met the Holy Prophet PBUH who placed his hands on him and raised them in the manner of prayer. Usamah said he thought that the Holy Prophet PBUH prayed for him. (Tirmizi)

Usamah was again sent to Syria as the commander of the Muslim forces by the first Khalifa, Hazrat Abu Bakr. He came back victorious to Madinah. Usamah is regarded as one of the authentic transmitters of Ahadis. He died at the age of fifty four and was buried at Madinah.

4) Abu Musa Ashari

Abu Musa Ashari embraced Islam with other members of his tribe and migrated to Madinah from Yemen. He took part in the Battle of Hunain. The Holy Prophet PBUH sent him as governor to Yemen and he retained that post till Hazrat Abu Bakr’s time. Hazrat Umar appointed him as governor of Kufa. He was one of the arbitrators appointed at Siffin in 37 A.H. to settle the dispute between Hazrat Ali and Ameer Muawiya.

Abu Musa Ashari was one of the devoted companions of the Holy Prophet PBUH. He was highly esteemed for his recitation and understanding of the Quran and his deep insight into Ahadis. He died in 44 A.H. at Makkah. Imam Bukhari regards him among the jurists capable of passing judgements  and issuing rulings.

5) Amr bin Aas

Amr bin Aas was one of the chiefs of the Quraish before he accepted Islam. He embraced Islam after the Treaty of Hudaibiya. Amr bin Aas was very brave and courageous. Even in the presence of older companions the Holy Prophet PBUH appointed him as commander. He participated in almost all the expeditions.

His real fame is due to the conquest of Egypt. in the rift between Hazrat Ali and Ameer Muawiya, he associated himself with the latter. He died in Egypt in 51 A.H Amr bin Aas was a Sincere believer. In Sahih Musim, he is reported to have said: “After I became a believer, no one was dearer and more respectable to me than the Prophet PBUH.”

In a hadis in Tirmizi, the Prophet PBUH is quoted to have said: “Amr is among the best people of the Quraish. “

6) Abu Hurairah

Abu Hurairah accepted Islam in 7 A.H. He had an outstanding position among

the Ahl-e-Suffah. These were the students who came from outside to seek knowledge and for whom the Holy Prophet PBUH had erected a shed near Masjid-e-Nabawi.

It is agreed that no other companion has reported more hadis than Abu

Hurairah. When some companions pointed out that though he became a Muslim in 7 A.H.. he has related the highest number of ahadis, he said: “The Muhajirin were engaged in trading and Ansars in farming so I had a greater opportunity to preserve. the Prophet’s PBUH ahadis and sayings.” (Muslim)

Abu Hurairah never forgot what he heard from the Prophet PBUH. He explained his strong memory in his petition to the Holy Prophet PBUH that he heard much from him but did not remember it. The Holy Prophet told him to spread his garment, then he recited something on it. On the Prophet’s PBUH instructions, he collected the garment on his chest. From that day, he did not forget anything that the Prophet said. (Muslim, Tirnmizi)

He was constantly in the Prophet’s PBUH company. The reason being he had no wealth and was the Prophet’s PBUH guest and spent the whole day with him. Whereas the other companions had their families and occupations to attend to and they met the Prophet PBUH only in the morning and evening and so were deprived of many ahadis.

After the Prophet’s PBUH death, Abu Hurairah gave lessons from Masjid-e-Nabawi. Hazrat Umar appointed him as governor of Bahrain but he resigned. He died in 57 A.H.

7) Abdullah bin Umar

Abdullah bin Umar was the son of Hazrat Umar. He was born in the third year of Prophethood. He took part in the migration to Madinah. The Holy Prophet did not allow him to take part in the battles of Badr and Uhad because of his young age. He took part in the battle of Ditch and, thereafter, in all the other battles.

Abdullah bin Umar was a God-fearing man. He wept while reciting the Quran. He was very careful to observe the Prophet’s Sunnah. He spent generously in Allah’s path.

The well-known narrator of Ahadis, Nafi, was his slave. Abdullah bin Umar released him, along with other slaves, some of whom attained great scholarly heights.

Abdullah bin Umar is regarded as second to Abu Hurairah in the narration of ahadis having 1630 transmissions to his name. People visited him in large numbers to learn the ahadis from him.

8) Hazrat Salman Farsi

Hazrat Salman Farsi was from Persia. In his quest for true religion, he gave up the comfort of his home and wandered from one country to another till he reached the Holy Prophet PBUH at Madinah. He took part in the Battle of Trench and, thereafter, in every battle. At his suggestion trenches were dug at the borders of Madinah during the Battle of Trench.

Hazrat Salman Farsi was very knowledgeable and God-fearing. Hazrat Umar made him the governor of Madain. Many companions have narrated hadis from him. He died during the Khilafat of Hazrat Usman.

9) Mu’az bin Jabal

Mu’az bin Jabal offered allegiance to the Holy Prophet PBUH at the second pledge of Aqabah. After the Prophet’s migration to Madinah, Mu’az kept him constant company. He participated in all the battles. The Holy Prophet PBUH sent him as governor and judge in Yemen.

It is narrated that the Holy Prophet PBUH made, him (Mu’az bin Jabal) ride a horse and himself walked along. On the way, he gave him many instructions about preaching and Islamic government. He also asked him: “If you have to pass Judgement, how will you do that?”

“According to the Book of Allah.”

“And if you find nothing therein?” the Prophet PBUH asked him.

“According to the Sunnah of the Prophet PBUH,” he answered.

“And if you find nothing therein?

“Then I will exert myself to form my own judgement”, Mu’az replied.

The Holy Prophet’s PBUH response was: “Praise be to Allah who has guided the messenger of His Prophet PBUH to that which pleases His Prophet.” (Abu Daud, Tirmizi)

Mu’az learnt the Quran and matters of religion directly from the Prophet PBUH. The Holy Prophet PBUH considered Mu’az to be a scholar of Quran, Sunnah and jurisprudence.

The Holy Prophet PBUH is reported to have said about him. “The most learned of my Ummah about the lawful and the unlawful is Mu’az bin Jabal.” (Tirmizi)

Mu’az bin Jabal returned from Yemen during the Khilafat of Hazrat Abu Bakr and accompanied Usamah bin Zaid on the expedition to Syria. He died of plague in 18 A.H. while he was in Syria.

10) Hazrat Jafar bin Abu Talib

Hazrat Jafar was the son of Abu Talib and elder brother of Hazrat Ali. He, along with his wife, embraced Islam in its early stages. Hazrat Jafar was among the second batch of emigrants to Abyssinia. They were pursued by the unbelievers of Makkah who requested Najashi, King of Abyssinia to hand over the emigrants to them. The king summoned the Muslims to his court and asked them about their religion.

The Muslims had selected Hazrat Jafar as their spokesman. Hazrat Jafar delivered a speech in which he explained the principles of Islam and what the Holy Prophet PBUH had taught them. He also recited a portion of Surah Maryam.

After hearing it, Najashi said: By God, this and the Gospel are the lights of one candle.” Thereafter, Najashi dismissed the unbelievers from his court and assured the Muslims that they may reside peacefully in his country.

Hazrat Jafar had migrated to Abyssinia in the fifth year of prophethood. He went back to Madinah in 7 A.H. when Khyber was conquered. The Holy Prophet PBUH gave him a piece of land near Masjid-e- Nabawi and kept him close to himself.

Hazrat Jafar had been there for only a few months when the Holy Prophet PBUH sent an army to Muta in Syria in 8 A.H. Hazrat Jafar was included in the army. Hazrat Zaid bin Haris was the commander of the army. In case of his death, he was to be succeeded by Hazrat Jafar.

Hazrat Jafar was martyred in the battle. He received ninety wounds on his body and lost both his hands. The Holy Prophet PBUH said: “Allah has granted him two wings in place of his two hands so that he flies about in Paradise wherever he likes.” (Bukhari) He is called Jafar Tayyar’ i.e., Jafar the flier.

Hazrat Jafar took great care of the poor and needy. Hence, he was known as Abul Masakeen. He resembled the Holy Prophet PBUH in features and habits. The Holy Prophet PBUH himself said: “You resemble me in features and manners. (Bukhari)

11) Hazrat Abu Zarr Ghaffari

Hazrat Abu Zarr Ghaffari was one of the earliest converts to Islam. He always expressed the truth, without regard for friendship. When the Prophet PBUH started to preach Islam, he accepted the faith without any hesitation, thus becoming one of the earliest convert to Islam.

After accepting Islam, he went to the Ka’abah, where many idolators were present. He recited the Kalimah loudly. The unbelievers attacked him and gave him such a beating that he was covered with blood.

Abu Zarr Ghaffari decided to go to his tribe and preach Islam among his own people. His efforts met with success and nearly half of his tribe accepted Islam within a short period. The rest became Muslim after the migration of the Prophet PBUH from Makkah to Madinah.

Abu Zarr Ghaffari migrated to Madinah after the Battle of Trench. After migrating to Madinah, he dedicated himself to the service of the Holy Prophet PBUH, and was therefore among those companions who were very close to him.