#Benefits Of Durood E Akbar – Islam Peace Of Heart

Durood Akbar

Durood Akbar is a well-known durood that is frequently recited by the people It is called Durood Akbar. Because it mentions all the attributes of the Holy Prophet PBUH and it is Durood E Akbar because of is long.

The word NIDA is often used at the beginning of this Durood E Pak therefore whoever makes the habit of reciting this durood Pak one time after fajr prayer so unlimited love of Prophet SAWW will create in his heart finally he will be blessed with the Prophet SAWW pilgrimage if he increases his recitation so he will meet the soul of Prophet PBUH. In fact, it expresses the heartfelt sentiments of the Prophet PBUH Therefore, the one who reads it becomes rich with happiness Therefore, whoever wants to become a popular servant in Darbar-e-Risalat And his caste benefited others So should become the doer of this Durood E Pak Then the work you pay attention to will happen. To be active, one must spend forty nights in solitude and recite this durood e Pak 21 times Inshallah, every legitimate intention of his heart will be fulfilled.

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For cleansing of his heart recite this durood e Pak one time after the isha prayer. This durood is also very good for healing from illness. For Evil and repel recite this durood Pak 7 times blow on water and feed it to a deranged person and if there is an effect of giants on a place so at this place recite this durood sharif 1 time for 40 days the jin will run away.

To escape from a tyrant leader and with open oppression recite this durood e Pak 1 time for 11 nights Inshallah, the situation will look better there are many effects of dominance in this durood no one will prevail over the one who recites this durood, Pak. Reciting this durood Pak 1 time after the fajr prayer will increase your provisions and whoever makes a habit to recite this durood Pak 3 times after the isha prayer all sins will be forgiven.

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‣ Benefits Of Reciting Durood Pak On Friday

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Often buzirgan Sulf writes in Kutub-O-Wazaif that whoever recites this durood Pak Allah SWT has commanded to the deed writer angels to write the reward of one Hajj and one Umrah for each letter for the one who recites this Durood in his book of deeds and Allah SWT will have mercy on him for 360 times and Allah SWT will build 1000 palaces of Yaqoot for him and that person will see his place in heaven before he dies and when he died all the angels, the earth, the heavens, the throne will come to his funeral and the angels will come to his grave till the Day of Resurrection and they will ask forgiveness for it.

To pay zakat of durood e Akbar buzirgan Sulf said, Start from Friday night, wear clean and neat white clothes and also apply the scent in a clean place recite 2 Rakat nafl and then recite this durood 3 times and sent this gift to the Holy Prophet SAWW and pray about the pilgrimage of the Holy Prophet SAWW and sleep there and do it for 11-night zakat will be paid and Allah SWT will reward your pilgrimage of the Holy Prophet SAWW during paying zakat praying 5 times is compulsory and after this continue reciting this durood after fajr and isha prayer he will be rich in religious and worldly affairs.