#Tawaf Of The Kaaba – Islam Peace Of Heart

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Tawaf Tawaf means going around the Ka’abah. The Quran says: “Then allow them to complete the rites prescribed for them and circumambulate the traditional House” (22:29) The Prophet PBUH moved around the Ka’abah seyen times, running three circuits and walking the remaining four. The Tawaf starts and ends at the Black Stone. The pilgrims kiss it, … Read more

#The Obligatory Acts of Hajj – Islam Peace Of Heart

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1. Putting on the Ihram and making the niyat of Hajj and reciting the 2. Wuquf-e-Arafat i.e. staying within the plain of Arafat on the 9th of Zil Hajj• 3. Tawaf-e-Ziyarat on the 10th, 11th or 12th of Zil-Hajj after the shaving of the top or the shortening of the hair. These three obligatory duties-are to be performed within the prescribed … Read more

#The Importance Of Pilgrimage – Islam Peace Of Heart

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Hajj — Pilgrimage Importance of Pilgrimage: Hajj or the pilgrimage to Makkah in Saudi Arabia constitutes the fifth act of worship prescribed by Islam. The Quran says: “Pilgrimage there to may be a duty men owe to Allah — people who can afford the journey. ” (3: 97) To create the meaning of this verse clear, it is … Read more

#The Rate of Zakat – Islam Peace Of Heart

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The amount of payment and distribution was defined at Medina in the Second year of Hijrat. The payment of Zakat is compulsory on every adult, free Muslim who owns property to the extend of the prescribed rate called Nisab, provided such property has remained in his ownership and possession uninterruptedly for full one year. Zakat … Read more