Postures of Prayer
The different postures of prayer are indicative of the humility of the body and the soul.
Each Raka’at consists of three parts. The first of these is the standing position called Qiyam with which the prayer is started. The worshippers stand in rows with their arms folded in an attitude of humility. In this position, the Divine Being is praised. prayers are addressed to Him and certain portions of the Quran are recited.
This is followed by Ruku in which the worshippers bow down in even greater humility before their Lord. T his is followed by two prostrations, which are an indication of the utmost humility of the worshippers before their Lord.
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At the end of two Raka ats, the worshippers continue the glorification of Allah and their supplication in a sitting position which is called Qa’adah and is an indication of peace.
The prescribed prayer, glorification and supplication is appropriate to each posture For example, during prostration the worshipper glorifies Allah in these terms: ‘Glory to my Lord, the most high’ Whereby both the body and the soul feel and acknowledge their own extreme humility and submission before Allah.
It is a state of surrender whereby a man by his act of devotion throws himself upon the Mercy of Allah and states that He alone is great and he himself is an insignificant humble servant before Him.