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#Hadith About Martyr | Hadith Explanation – Islam Peace Of Heart

Hadith About Martyr Translation: The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace) said: Whom do you count to be a martyr...

#Hadith About Possessions | Hadith Explanation – Islam Peace Of Heart

Hadith About Possessions Translation: God does not regard your appearances and your possessions, but he regards your hearts and your actions. Explanation: Divine favour is not granted...

#Hadith About Believers | Hadith Explanation – Islam Peace Of Heart

Hadith About Believers Translation: The believers are like a single man; if his eye is affected he is affected if his head is affected he...

#Hadith About Be Gentle | Hadith Explanation – Islam Peace Of Heart

Hadith About Be Gentle Translation: The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace) sent Abu Musa and Mu'adh ibn Jabal to...

#Hadith About Food | Hadith Explanation – Islam Peace Of Heart

Hadith About Food Translation: No one eats better food than that which he eats out of the work of his hand. Explanation: The economic life in Islam...

#Hadith About Obligatory Prayers | Hadith Explanation – Islam Peace Of Heart

Hadith About Obligatory Prayers Translation: A man asked the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace): Do you think that if...

#Hadith About Modesty | Hadith Explanation – Islam Peace Of Heart

Hadith About Modesty Translation: Modesty produces 'nothing but good. Explanation: Modesty is a force which prevents a believer from falling prey to urges of indecency and obscenity....

#Hadith About Religion | Hadith Explanation – Islam Peace Of Heart

Hadith About Religion 'Religion is sincerity.' We said: 'To whom?' The Prophet said: To Allah, his book, his messenger, the leaders of the Muslims and...

#Hadith About Men | Hadith Explanation – Islam Peace Of Heart

Hadith About Men Translation: It was said: O Messenger of Allah, Who is the most excellent of men? The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him...

#Hadith About Evil Actions | Hadith Explanation – Islam Peace Of Heart

Hadith About Evil Actions Translation: Whosoever of you sees an evil action, let him change it with his hand he is not able to do...

#Hadith About Believes In Allah | Hadith Explanation – Islam Peace Of Heart

Hadith About Believes in Allah Translation: Let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day either speak good or keep silent, and let him...

#Hadith About Selling Something | Hadith Explanation – Islam Peace Of Heart

Hadith About Selling Something Translation: May God show mercy to a man who is kindly when he sells, when he buys, and when he demands...