#Benefits of Surah Zalzal (The Quake) – Islam Peace Of Heart

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Al-Zalzalah (The Quake) This surah is very effective for abnormal activities. If you place a photocopy of this Surah in the abnormal place. Inshallah, The effect of abnormal activities will be finished and make your all work easy. For any difficulty recite this Surah 141 times for 7 days. Inshallah, By the grace of Allah … Read more

#Benefits of Surah Qadar (The Majesty) – Islam Peace Of Heart

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 Al-Qadr (Power) Whoever recites this surah in the month of Ramadan Mubarak. His heart will be pure. Allah SWT rewarded him with unlimited good deeds. Whoever recites this Surah 7 times at bedtime his wealth will increase, His eyesight will remain till his death, and He will be healed from all disease. Allah SWT forgive … Read more

#Benefits of Surah Tin (The Fig) – Islam Peace Of Heart

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Surah At-Tin (The Fig) Surah At-Tin is most effective for coming back to a runaway person. If someone is a runaway and you want to back him. So, Recite this Surah 100 times. Inshallah, By the grace of Allah SWT. The Runaway person will come back. If anyone wants to finish his enemy and make … Read more

#Benefits of Surah Ash Sharh (Faith) – Islam Peace Of Heart

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 Surah Ash-Sharh (Solace , Comfort) Surah Ash Sharh is very effective for religion and the world. Whoever recites this Surah 21 times daily his wealth, respect and knowledge will increase. His family will be safe from every evil. Surah ash Sharh is the treasure of Allah SWT. Whoever recites this Surah his memory will increase. … Read more

#Benefits of Surah Ad-Duha (The Morning) – Islam Peace Of Heart

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Surah Ad-Duha (The Morning Hours) Jindab has narrated that, When Jibril did not come for revelation from Allah SWT to the Holy Prophet PBUH from a long time. The Polytheists has said: Revelation system now has been ended. Therefore Allah SWT has revealed this Surah. This Surah is very effective for bringing back to runaway … Read more

#Benefits Of Surah Fajar (The Dawn) – Islam Peace Of Heart

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Al-Fajr (The Dawn) This Surah is very effective for ease and peace. This surah was revealed to encourage the Muslim community. This was told that the Increase and decrease of wealth are two sides of Allah SWT test. It means that someone is rich. He thinks that Allah SWT has pleasure with him. If someone … Read more

#Benefits of Surah Shams (The Sun) – Islam Peace Of Heart

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Surah Ash-Shams (The Sun) This Surah is most effective for safety and desires. Whoever recites this Surah 1 time. His wealth, his self, his children, and his house will under the protection of the grace of Allah SWT. Whoever recites this Surah 1 time after Ishraq prayers. He will be safe from dangerous diseases. If … Read more

#Benefits of Surah Dahr (The Human) – Islam Peace Of Heart

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Surah Ad-Dahr (Human Man) In this Surah, Allah SWT has mentioned mankind and time. That is why this Surah is called Ad-Dahr as well as Surah Al-Insan. This Surah is very effective for increasing wealth. Whoever recites this Surah 75 times. Inshallah, His wealth will increase and his wealth resources will be created. His intentions … Read more

#Benefits of Surah Jinn (The Ghost) – Islam Peace Of Heart

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Surah Al-Jinn (The Unseen Beings) Most of the Jinns (Jinaat) became Muslims and accepted Islam under the Holy Prophet PBUH. Listening to this surah of the Holy Quran, that’s why this Surah is called Surah Jinn. Abdullah Bin Abbas narrated that, The Holy Prophet PBUH went to the Akaz marketplace for preaching Islam with his … Read more

#Benefits of Surah Nuh (The Noah) – Islam Peace Of Heart

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Surah Al-Nuh (Noah) Surah Nuh is called Nuh because it consists of the story of the Holy Prophet Noah AS and it was revealed at the Holy Place Mecca. This Surah has very virtues and benefits. Some virtues are as follows: Whoever recites this Surah his faith will increase. If the enemy interferes with a … Read more