#Dua For Overcome Anger – Islam Peace Of Heart

Dua For Overcome Anger

Anger is Haram in Islam. Anger is the favorite thing of Shaitan (Devil). Anger is the most dangerous thing it increases our Blood Pressure, and removes our good deeds, It is most dangerous for our health and also mental health too. Anger remove our intellect. So here are some Dua we keep doing when we feel anger.


Recite Tauz while you feel anger Inshallah, It will overcome your anger and Shaitan will run away.

Perform Ablution:

Ablution is most powerful cure for overcome Anger. When someone does angry so, they should perform ablution. Inshallah, His/Her anger will be go away and he/she will feel better.

Drink Water:

When someone drinks water while angry. Inshallah, His anger will be gone. It is the very best cure for overcoming anger.

Change Position:

If you change your position while angry. Inshallah, The anger will be gone.


This Dua is very useful for overcoming anger. Everyone should recite these Dua while in anger to save from anger if you recite any of Dua from these. It will remove your anger and you will feel better.