Tawaf means going around the Ka’abah. The Quran says:
“Then allow them to complete the rites prescribed for them and circumambulate the traditional House” (22:29)
The Prophet PBUH moved around the Ka’abah seyen times, running three circuits and walking the remaining four.
The Tawaf starts and ends at the Black Stone. The pilgrims kiss it, unless prevented by the group. in this case, they raise their hands towards the Ka’abah and say “Allahu Akbar” loudly. Certain supplications are recited during Tawaf.
There are several varieties of Tawaf.
a. Tawaf-e-Ziyarat also called Tawaf-e-lfadah or Tawaf-e-Rukn: it’s a Rukn or obligatory component of Hajj and must be performed between the •dawn of 10th and ’12th of Zil-Hajj.
It’s Sunnat and is performed on entering Masjid-e-Haram.
Tawaf-e-Sadr or Tawaf-e-Wida:
This is often performed at the time of departure and is Wajib for all those living outside the Mawaqit.
It’s obligatory or Farz for those performing Umra. Tawaf-e-Nafl: Any Tawaf, aside from the preceding four categories is named Tawaf-e-Nafl. there’s no restriction on the time or number of such Tawaf, but they have to be performed after Wuzu and niyat and within the prescribed manner.
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‣ Hajj
‣ Zakat
‣ Fasting
It is the place inside Masjid-e-Haram, and round the Ka’abah on which Tawaf is performed.
Al Multazim:
It is the place of Holding. this is often some of the wall of the Ka’abah between its door and Hajr-e-Aswad. Here the pilgrim prays to Allah for forgiveness.
It is an obvious, which lies between Arafat and Makkah. The pathway into this plain passes through a hill called Aqabah which is known within the history of Islam because the place where the Holy Prophet PbUh took the 2 pledges from the Ansars of Madinah.
It is plain between Mina and Arafat, about six miles from Makkah and three miles from Mina within the Holy Quran, this place is termed the Sacred Monument and Muslims are especially asked to recollect Allah at this place: When ye pour down from Arafat, celebrate the praises of Allah at the Sacred Monument” (2 : 198)
This plain is situated at a distance of nine miles from Makkah and about six miles from Mina. in line with tradition, Adam and his wife were re-united during this plain after years Of wandering. The Holy Prophet PbUh also delivered his last sermon here and received the ultimate revelation.
The stay within the plain Of Arafat is named Wuquf-e-Arafat. the most effective type of Wuquf, deserving the best spiritual reward is to stay standing, facing the Qiblah, while reciting Talbiah, Istighfar, Kalimah-e-Tauhid and praying to Allah. The assembly at Arafat is that the most vital a part of the Hajj, without which Hajj would be incomplete.
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‣ Salat
‣ Shahadat
Safa and Marwa:
These two hills are near the well of Zam Zam. Safa is to the SOUtheast, from which the Sayi is commenced and Marwa is to the north-east where the Sayi ends. Hazrat Hajra, wife of Hazrat Ibrahim, ran several times between these two hills in search of water for her infant son, Ismail. Sayi is performed in memory of this act. This ritual shows respect for maternal love and gratitude to Allah, who made the sacred spring of Zam Zam appear for Hazrat Hajra’s relief. The commandment about Say is contained within the Quran:
“Behold! Safa and Manva are among the symbols of Allah. So if people who visit the House within the season or at other times, should compass them round. ” (2: 158)
Sayi is walking briskly seven times between Safa and Marwa hills. Sayi is commenced from Safa and ends at Marwa. The pilgrim should first bestride the Safa hill. it’s not necessary to climb to the .top of hill. He should climb to such a height only as would afford a view of the Ka’abah. After descending from Safa, the pilgrim should move towards Marwa and, thereafter, walk briskly between the 2 hills. Only men are required to run briskly. Women may walk at their normal pace.
It is the act of passing the upper sheet of the Ihram through the correct armpit and placing it on the left shoulder, leaving the proper shoulder uncovered. there’s no Idtiba for females.
This is in memory of a happening that transpire when the Holy Prophet PBUH and his companions came to Makkah from Madinah for performing Umrah• The unbelievers of Makkah taunted them and said that the climate of Madinah had made them so weak that they might not perform Tawaf properly. When the Holy Prophet PBUH heard this, he ordered his companions to expand their chests and walk briskly, moviné their shoulders. Walking during this fashion, is termed Ramal.-This is completed within the first three circuits, the traditional gait being resumed within the remaining four circuits. there’s no Ramal for ladies.
The three stone pillars situated in Mina are called Jamarat. One nearest to Makkah is named Jamarat-al-Uqba, the second which is near the mosque of Mina is termed Jamarat-al-Wusta. At a bit distance from this place is that the Jamarat-al-Sughra. It is reported that Satan tried to deceive and mislead Hazrat Ibrahim at these three places and Hazrat Ibrahim stoned the devil. In memory of this the devil is symbolically stoned at Mina during Hajj. it’s to indicate that we reject the devil and obey nobody but Allah.
The act of stoning the devil Rami. The appröved method of doing Rami is to square about five or six feet from the stone .pillar,hold the pebble with the thumb and forefinger of the correct hand and throw each pebble, one after other and while doing so, the subsequent is to be recited:
“In the name of Allah, the foremost Gracious, the foremost Merciful. Allah is Great.” The pebbles should fall as near the pillar as possible.
The act of kissing the Hajr-e-Aswad is called Istilam. The palms of both hands are placed on it, with the face between the two palms, and the stone.is kissed in such a Way that no sound is produced. If it is not possible to kiss the stone in this manner, it may merely be touched with the right hand and the hand kissed or if that is not possible, one may raise .the palms of the hand towards the Hajr-e-Aswad and kiss.
The sacrifice is offered in memory of Hazrat Ibrahim who was ready to sacrifice his son Hazrat Ismail, at the command of Allah. This sacrifice is a part of the worldwide celebration which unites Muslims every Eid-ul-Azha. The sacrifice is only arr outward act. The real thing is the spirit of piety and submission to Allah which this act expresses.
Halq Ras and Qasr:
Halq Ras means getting the head shaved. Qasr mean getting the hair of the head cut or shortened.
The 10th, 11th and 12th Zil Hajj during which sacrifice of sheep, goats, cows and camels is offered are known as Ayyam-al-Nahr or the Days of Sacrifices.