Are you worried about your luck? Are you want to open your closed gate? Are you Jobless? Are you worried about your married? So, Here is some powerful Dua for Good Luck anyone can recite this Dua for any purpose to open and close gates.

Surah Yaseen:

Surah Yaseen is the most powerful Dua for Good luck. If someone faces a life problem or worries about his bad luck. He faces disappointment from every side. So, he should recite Surah Yaseen to open his closed gate.


Make a fresh ablution

Perform each Prayer

Recite 11 times Durood Ibrahim

Begin with Bismillah

Now Pray from Allah SWT for your good luck


Do it for 41 Days only.

Surah Ad-Duha:

Surah Ad-Duha is the most powerful Dua for Good Luck. If a person is worried about his luck and wants to seek help from Allah SWT. So, He should recite Surah Ad-Duha 100 times after Esha Prayer. Inshallah, Allah SWT succeeds him and all the closed doors will open on him.


Make a fresh ablution

Perform Esha Prayer

Recite Durood Pak 11 times

Recite Surah Ad-Duha 100 times

Now Pray from Allah SWT for your Good luck


Do it for 3 months or you can continue forever.


Bismillah is the best Wazifa for good luck. If a person faces lots of problems in his life and is jobless he faces failure from every side. So, He should collect some people on the first 10 days of Islamic Month. So, recite 100k times Bismillah. Inshallah, His bad luck will go and all the stopped work will continue.


Make a fresh ablution

Recite 11 times Durood Pak

Recite Bismillah

Now Pray from Allah SWT


If you are doing this Wazifa only yourself. So, you can recite within 40 days. But if you collect people and want to recite Bismillah then complete 100k within 1 day. You can do it every month.

Kalima Tamjeed:

Kalima Tamjeed is the most powerful Dua for Good Luck. If someone wants to succeed in every field of his life. So, He should recite Third Kalima Tamjeed 100 times after the Esha prayer.


Make a fresh ablution

Perform Esha Prayer

Recite 11 times Durood Pak

Recite 100 times Kalima Tamjeed

Pray From Allah SWT for good luck


Do it for 41 Days only.


Astaghfirullah is the most powerful Dua for good luck. If a person recites Astaghfirullah for his good luck. Inshallah, Allah SWT will open the closed door upon him and send blessings on him also his sins will be forgiven.


Make a fresh Ablution

Recite 7 Times Durood Pak

Now recite 1000 times Astaghfirullah

Pray from Allah SWT


Do it for 41 Days or can continue.

Tasbeeh Fatima:

Tasbeeh Fatima is also beneficial for good luck. If a person makes a habit to recite Tasbeeh Fatima. So, He will succeed in his all field.


Make a fresh Ablution

Perform 5 times Prayer

Recite 100 times each Tasbeeh

Pray from Allah SWT


Do it For 41 Days.