13 Mar 2025, Thu 9:52:11 PM

Durood Hazara

Durood Hazara is the beloved Durood of Taliban spirituality Because This Durood makes it very easy for the seekers to reach spiritual heights He receives special compassion and attention from the Holy Prophet.

For the common people, this Durood is very effective Therefore, if a person wishes to visit the Holy Prophet, he should recite this Durood a thousand times daily during Tahajjud in Ramadan. Inshallah, he will soon be overwhelmed with pilgrimage By reading it once A thousand good deeds are rewarded And 100 wishes are fulfilled It is better to recite it 11 times after each prayer in order to receive worldly blessings, He should recite 100 times after Fajr prayer to get rid of worries and difficulties. Inshallah, the heart will be at peace and all difficulties will be removed.

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‣ Benefits Of Durood Tanjeena

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For sustenance and debts recite it 313 times after the isha prayer. It is very useful for a person who is in debt then recite this Durood. if a person recites it 1000 times on Friday he will go to paradise. This Durood has been a common feature of the Chishti family.