#Weekly Prayers – The Day Night Prayer – Islam Peace Of Heart



Virtues and descriptions of Weekly Prayer day and night prayers throughout the week

Abu Salma narrated from the narration of Abu Hurayrah,
The Messenger of Allah said to me: When you get out of the house, Recite two rak’ah Namaz. This Rak’ah will protect you from the attention of external malfunction, And when you enter the house, read two rakah. This rakah will be distracted from the internal defect. It is narrated on the authority of Anas ibn Malik that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said about the “Fajr prayer” One who performs ablution and goes to the mosque and there he prays. At every step he has a virtue and a sin is erased. The reward for every good deed is tenfold. Then after praying he goes home at sunrise. So Allah writes a good deed for him in return for every hair of the body and he comes back with the reward of “popular Hajj”. If he stays sitting till the second prayer, So in return for each seat, Allah writes two good deeds for him. And this is also the case for the one who offers Isha prayers and he comes back with the reward of popular Umrah. Uthman bin Affan said: I myself had heard from the Messenger of Allah That the person who prays Isha with the congregation. It is as if he prays till midnight And whoever offers the Fajr prayer in congregation, As if he prays all night. It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah said: For the hypocrites, there is no heavier prayer than the “Isha and Fajr” prayers. If they had known their reward, they would have come to these prayers, even if they had to commit adultery. I intended to order my men to collect firewood And I burn the houses of those who do not attend these prayers with us. Ata ibn Yasar narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah said, One who recites the four rak’ats well after the zawaal with the recitation of Roko Sujud, Thousands of angels pray with him and continue to offer Dua and forgiveness for him till evening. The Prophet did not give up four rakah after the zawaal. He used to read them long and say: At that moment the gates of heaven are opened. I like that any of my actions should be taken up at this time. It was asked, “O Messenger of Allah, are the four rak’ah prayers with two salams?” Said no. It is narrated that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: May Allah have mercy on the servant who recites four rak’ahs before the Asar Prayer.

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‣ Mosque Or Masjid 

‣ Postures Of Prayer

‣ Delayed Prayer Qaza Namaz

Sunday Prayer:

It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah said: If someone prayed four rak’ahs on Sunday in such a way that he recited Surah Al-Fatihah and Aamana Rasool once in each rak’ah. So Allah writes for him ten virtues equal to the number of every Christian man and woman and gives him the reward of Prophet. The reward of one Hajj and one Umrah is written for him. And a thousand prayers reward are written for each rak’ah. Then in Paradise Allah will give him a city of pure mushk in return for every letter. It is narrated on the authority of “Ali ibn Abi Talib” that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: Pray a lot on Sundays and show “Tawheed of Allah”, Allah is One, He has no partner. If a person recites four rak’ahs on Sunday after the “Farz” and “Sunnah” of “Zohar Prayer”. And recite “Surah Al-Fatihah” and “Surah Jumu’ah” in each rakah and then ask for “Dua”, then Allah has the right to fulfill his argument. And keep it safe from the Christian religion.

Tuesday Prayer:

Yazid al-Raqashi quotes Anas ibn Malik as saying that the Messenger of Allah said: Whoever recites ten rak’ahs on Tuesday afternoon (in another hadeeth it is the time of Chasht) He should recite “Surah Al-Fatihah” 1 time, “Ayat-Ul-Kursi” 1 time, and “Surah Al-Ikhlas” three times. The reward for this is that “no sin will be written against him for seventy days”. If he dies during this period, he will become a “martyr” and his “sins” will be forgiven.

Wednesday Prayer:

Idris Kholani quoted Mu’izz ibn Jabal as saying that the Messenger of Allah said:  A person who recites “twelve rak’ahs of Nafl on Wednesdays at Chasht”. In each rakah recite “Surah Fatiha” 1 time, “Ayat-Ul-Kursi” 1 time, “Muaztin” three times. “An angel” who lives near the Throne calls out to such a person. O servant of Allah! Start a new process, Your past sins are forgiven and Allah removes the distress of his grave, the torment of grave and darkness. And it will remove the suffering of the Hour. And his deed of that day will be lifted up as a “Prophet”.

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‣ Sun Eclipse Prayer

‣ Benefits Of 5 Times Prayer

Friday Prayers

Thursday Prayer:

Ikrimah narrated from Ibn Abbas that the Messenger of Allah said: The person who recites the two rak’ahs between “Zohar and Asar Prayer” on Friday night. In the first rakah recite “Surah Fatiha” 1 time, Ayat-Ul-Kursi” 100 times and in the second rakah recite “Surah Fatiha”  1 time, “Surah Ikhlas” 100 times. And after “Namaz”  recited “Durood Sharif” 100 times, Allah will reward such a person with the same reward as this person, He has fasted for three months in “Rajab, Sha’ban and Ramadan” And he is given a reward equal to that of a pilgrim. And for him are written down good deeds equal to the number of people, Those who believe in Allah, and put their trust in Him.

Friday Prayer:

Ali ibn Husayn narrated from his father and his grandfather that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said that Friday is the day of prayer. When the sole of the sun has become a spear or more. At that time, if the believer performs Ablution (“Wudhu”) diligently And perform ablution in a perfect manner and recite it with the intention of reward with the certainty of the time of two rak’ahs. So Allah prescribes two hundred good deeds for such a person and forgives his two hundred sacks. And whoever recites four rak’ahs Nafil, “Allah raises him four hundred degrees in Paradise”. And he who reads eight Rakah. Allah prescribes for him one thousand two hundred virtues and raises him one thousand two hundred degrees. Abu Salih quoted Abu Hurayrah as saying that the Messenger of Allah said: Who offered the province’s congregational prayers on Friday, Then he used to sit in the mosque till sunrise. He will have seventy degrees in Paradise with a distance between the two degrees, The speed of a fast horse is equal to the distance of seventy years and he who prays with the congregation Apparently he got the reward of freeing eight slaves in Ismael’s descendants. And whoever prays Maghrib in congregation, it is as if he has received the reward of a popular Hajj and Umrah. And Mujahid narrated from Ibn Abbas that the Messenger of Allah said: Whoever prays two rak’ahs on Friday between Zohar and Asar and recites Surah Al-Fatihah once in the first rak’ah, Ayat-Ul-Kursi once, Surah Al-Falaq once read twenty-five times. After Salam, say five times “lahul walaqut ila-bilahi” The reward of such a person is that until Allah sees him in a dream and sees his place in heaven, he will not leave the world. And it is narrated that a Bedouin said to the Messenger of Allah: O the Messenger of Allah we live in the forest away from the city. And we can’t come to you every Friday. Therefore, if you want me to return to my nation, I would tell them something to do on Friday. The Messenger of Allah said: O Arabs! When it is Friday, pray two rak’ahs after sunrise. Then recite “Tashahhud” and salute again. Then sit down and recite Ayat-Ul-Kursi seven times. Then recite eight rakah nafil, In the case of four. Recite Surah Al-Fatihah and “Surah Al-Nasr” once and Surah Al-Ikhlas 25 times in each rak’ah. When you have finished your prayers, recite “La Haula Wa La Quwata” seventy times. The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said after him: I swear by the caste in whose hand is the soul of Muhammad that any “believer man” and “believer women” will perform this prayer in the manner prescribed by me. I will be his guarantor in heaven. And yet he will not rise from his place, that Allah will forgive him and his parents if they are Muslims. And an angel sitting on the throne will call out: O servant of Allah! Start again ( Means initiating child-like processes ). Now you will be innocent, All your previous sins are forgiven. And many “virtues of this prayer” have been mentioned which will be explained at length. And we have also mentioned other “Issues of the Prayer”. Which is mentioned in the prayer which is recited twelve times on this Friday in “Surah Ikhlas”, so recite whatever you want.

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‣ Combining Prayers 

‣ Shortened Prayers

‣ Eid Prayers

Saturday Prayer:

Saeed narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah said: Whoever recite 4 rakah nafil on “Saturday”. In each rakah recite Surah Fatiha 1 time, “Surah Kafiroon” 3 times. When the prayer is over and say salaam. Then recite “Ayat-Ul-Kursi”. Allah will reward him one Hajj and one Umrah for every letter, And in his book of deeds, the reward of one year’s fast and night stay will be recorded, And Allah will give him the reward of a martyr for every word and that person will be in the shadow of the Throne in the company of martyrs and prophets.

Sunday Night Prayer:

Anas said, “I heard from the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, Whoever prays twenty rak’ahs Nafil on Sunday night, In each Rakah recite Surah Al-Fatiha 1 time, Surah Al-Ikhlas fifty times, and Muaztin 1 time. And recite Astighfar a 100 times, And recite the Astaghfar 100 times for yourself and your parents. And also recite “Durood Pak” 100 times. And let him express disgust with his mighty power and bow down before the mighty power of Allah. Then say: “Ashahadu Ana Laa Ilaha Ilaallah Wa Ashahadu Ana Adam Safwa-Tu-Allah Wa Fitratehe Wa Ibrahim Khalil-Ul-Allah Azwajala Wa Moosa Kaleem-Ul-Allah Ta’alaa Wa Isa Roh-Ul-Allah Subhanahu Wa Mohammad Habib-Ul-Allah Azwajallah”.  The reward of such a person is equal to the number of all “Muslims and Non-Muslims”. And Allah will raise such a person up with those who find peace on the Day of Resurrection. And it is necessary for Allah (according to Allah) to enter Paradise with the Prophets.

Monday Night Prayer:

A’mash narrated from Anas that the Messenger of Allah said: Whoever prays four rak’ahs on Monday night. In first Rakah recite Surah Al-Fatiha 1 time and Surah Al-Ikhlas 10 times and in 2nd rakah recite Surah Al-Fatihah 1 time and Surah Al-Ikhlas twenty times. In the third rak’ah recite Surah Al-Fatiha 1 time and Surah Al-Ikhlas thirty times. In the fourth rakah recite Surah Al-Fatiha one time and Surah Al-Ikhlas forty times. Then recite “Tashahhud” and do salaam. Then recite Surah Ikhlas 75 times. And recite “Astaghfirullah” 75 times ask Allah for forgiveness for yourself and for your parents. Then recite “Durood Pak” 75 times. Then ask for “Dua”. Allah has the right to fulfill his question. This prayer is called “Salat-Ul-Hajjat. It is narrated on the authority of Abu Imama that the Messenger of Allah said: Whoever prays two rak’ahs Nafil on Monday night. In each rakah recite Surah Fatiha 1 time and Surah Ikhlas 15 times.After Salam recite Ayat-Ul-Kursi 10 times. And recite Astaghfirullah 15 times. Allah writes the name of such a person among the people of Paradise. Even though he is one of the inmates of Hell and his obvious sins are forgiven. And for return of every verse he recite, The reward of one Hajj and Umrah is written and if he dies from this Monday to the next Monday then he deserves to be martyred.

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‣ Congregational Prayers

‣ Takbir

‣ Tahajjud Prayers

Tuesday Night Prayer:

The Messenger of Allah said: Whoever prays ten rak’ahs on a Tuesday night, In each rakah recite Surah Al-Fatiha one time and Surah Al-Nasr 5 times. Allah will make for him a house in Paradise which will be equal to the world in terms of width and weight.

Wednesday Night Prayer:

The Messenger of Allah said: Whoever prays two rak’ahs on Wednesday night. In the first rakah, recite Surah Al-Fatiha 1 time and Surah Al-Falaq 10 times. In second rakah, Recite Surah Al-Fatiha 1 time and “Surah An-Naas” 10 times. His reward is that in his honor seventy angels descend from heaven. Who keep writing rewards for him till the Day of Resurrection.

Thursday Night Prayer:

Abu Salih narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah said: One who prays two rak’ahs between Maghrib and Isha on Thursday night. In each rakah recite Surah Al-Fatiha 1 time, Ayat-Ul-Kursi 5 times, Surah Ikhlas 5 times and Mua’ztin 3 times. Then when the prayer is over, recite Istaghfarullah fifteen times. And give the reward to the parents. By doing so, he will pay the “Parents Rights”. Although, they’re both apt. And Allah rewards him like the martyrs, the righteous.

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‣ How To Recite Namaz According To Sunnah

‣ Adhan

‣ Private Prayer

Friday Night Prayer:

It is narrated on the authority of Jabr bin Abdullah that the Messenger of Allah said: Whoever prays twelve rak’ahs on Friday night between Maghrib and Isha. In each Rakah, recite Surah Al-Fatiha and Surah Al-Ikhlas ten times. His reward is that he fasted for twelve years and prayed at night for twelve years. Katheer ibn Salma narrated from Anas ibn Malik that the Messenger of Allah said: Whoever prays Isha prayers in congregation on Friday night and then recites two rak’ahs of Sunnah. After that, Recite ten rak’ahs of Nafl, In each Rakah recite Surah Al-Fatiha 1 time, Surah Ikhlas 1 time, and Mua’azatin 1 time. Then recite 3 Rakah “Witr Namaz”. Then lie down on your right side and keep your face towards the “Qiblah”. He will be rewarded for spending “Shab-E-Qadr” in worship. The Messenger of Allah said: Friday’s great glorious night and glorious day, send blessings upon me abundantly.

Saturday Night Prayer:

It is narrated from Anas that the Messenger of Allah said: One who recites twelve rak’ahs of Nafl between Maghrib and Isha on Saturday night. Allah will make a shortening for him in Paradise. And he gave alms in favor of every “Believer Man” and “Believer Women” And showed contempt for the “Jews”. Forgiveness of such a person is due to Allah.


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