#Method Of Prayer – Islam Peace Of Heart


Method of Prayer

The approved, traditional method of prayer is as follows:

Standing straight with the face towards the Ka’abah and hands hanging down the sides of the body, the worshipper makes the niyat for the Faraz/Sunnat/Nafl prayer that is to be offered. He then raises his hands to his ears and recites Takbir-e-Tahrima i.e., Allahu-Akbar- “Allah is Greatest’. The hands are thereafter brought down and folded on the navel. In this standing position, which is known as Qiyam, the Sana is to be recited:

“Glory to Thee O Allàh; and Thine is the Praise and Blessed is Thy name and Exalted is Thy Majesty; and there is no one worthy of worship except (Thee).”

Then the worshipper recites first the Ta’awwuz

“I betake myself to Allah for refuge from the accursed Shaitan”, is to be recited and then the Tasmiyah i.e.,

“In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful” is to be recited.

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Benefits Of Nafil Namaz

Names And Times Of Prayer

Postures Of Prayer

After Tasmiyah, Surah Fatihah is to be recited.

“Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds, Most Merciful. Master of the Day of Judgement. Thee do we worship and thine aid we seek. Show us the straight way. The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, those whose portion) is not wrath. and who go not stray.”

Immediately after Surah Fatihah, some other Suran is recited. This is called Qirat.

The Qiyam is followed by Ruku, which means bowing down. In this posture the worshipper, while standing. bows forward and places both hands on his knees. In this position, he recites Tasbih Ruku i.e..

“Glory to my Lord, the Great”

at least three times.

After saying Tasbih Ruku and standing straight, the worshipper recites first the Tasmi.

“Allah listens to him who gives praise.

and then the Tahmid:

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‣ Qaza Namaz Delayed Prayer

Weekly Prayer Day And Night Prayer

Sun Eclipse Prayer

“O our Lord! All praise is due to Thee alone” is recited.

after which he stands erect for a short while. This is called Qiyamah. After thus standing up, the worshipper bends down for Sajdah-prostration, while reciting Takbir.

In the position of Sajdah, the toes of both feet, both knees, both hands and the forehead touch the ground. In this posture, the Tasbeeh Sajdah i.e.

“Glory to my Lord, the Most High” is recited at least three times.

After the Tasbih Sajdah, the worshipper raises first the forehead, then the nose and finally the hands and recites Takbir. He than sits for a short while and recites the Takbir. This sitting is known as Jalsa, after which the second Sajdah is performed in the same way as the first. He recites the Takbir while rising  from the Sajdah.

The worshipper then stands to perform the second Raka at in the same way as the first except that the Sana in the position of Qiyam is not to be recited.

After the second Raka’ at, the worshipper assumes the sitting position known as Qa’adah.

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‣ Benefits Of 5 Times Prayer

Friday prayer

Combining Prayer

If the niyat was for two Raka’ats, this will be called Qa’adah Akhira, but if the niyat was for three or four Raka’ ats, this sitting will be called Qa adah Ula.

In the Qa’ adah Ula, the worshipper recites first the Tahiyya:

“All prayers and worship rendered through words, actions and wealth are due to Allah alone. Peace be on you, 0 Prophet, and the mercy of Allah and His blessings. Peace be on us and the righteous servants of Allah.

Then the Tashhad:

“I bear witness that none deserves to be worshipped except Allah; and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and apostle.”

After this, the worshipper rises for the third Raka’at.

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Shortened Prayer

Eid Prayer

Private Prayer

The third and the fourth Raka’at are to be completed in the same way as the second Raka’at.

After the second Sajdah of the third or fourth Raka’at as the case may be, the worshipper performs Qa’adah Akhira, in which after reciting Tahiyya and Tashhaud. he recites Durood.

“O Allah! Exalt Muhammad and the true followers of Muhammad as Thou exalted Ibrahim and the true followers of lbrahim, for surely Thou art praised and magnified. O Allah! Bless Muhammad and the true followers of Muhammad as Thou blessed Ibrahim and the true followers of Ibrahim, for surely Thou art praised and magnified”.

After Durud, he recites the following prayer:

“O my Lord! Make me one who establishes regular prayers and also among my progeny. Our Lord! Accept my prayer. O One Lord! Cover (me) with your forgiveness me, my parents and believers on the Day of Judgement.”

After this, the worshipper ends the prayer with Taslim. For this, he turns his face to the right. Looking over the right shoulder, he says:

“Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah”

Then, turning his face to the left and looking over the left shoulder. he repeats the same words.


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