
#The Battle of Hunain | Brief History – Islam Peace Of Heart

Before the Holy Prophet PBUH could leave Makkah for Madinah, he received reports that the Hawazin and Saqeef, the two very strong and warring...

#Expeditions Of The Khyber – Islam Peace Of Heart

The Banu Nazir and other Jewish tribes after being exiled from Madinah had settled at Khyber where they were always plotting against the Muslims....

#The Treaty Of Hudaybiyya | Brief History – Islam Peace Of Heart

6th Year Of HijratIn 6 A.H., the Holy Prophet PBUH had a dream that he had entered the Sacred Mosque at Makkah. Therefore, he...

#Battle of Trench And Banu Quraiza- Islam Peace Of Heart

5TH YEAR OF HIJRATAfter the battle of Uhad, the Muslims were able to regain their former position. The Quraish could not reconcile themselves with...

#The Battle Of Uhud | Life Of Prophet In Makkah – Islam Peace Of Heart

After the battle of Badr, Islam gained a firm footing at Madinah and the importance of the City began to increase. The Quraish considered...


