#Benefits Of Astaghfirullah – Islam Peace Of Heart
Astaghfar If anyone recites Astaghfirullah every time his all sins will forgive. Whoever recites Astaghfirullah...
Islam Peace of the heart is an online platform where you can get an Islamic knowledge in the light of Quran and Hadith.
Astaghfar If anyone recites Astaghfirullah every time his all sins will forgive. Whoever recites Astaghfirullah...
Quran, Hadis, ljma & Qiyas The Holy Quran provides fundamental laws in respect of beliefs,...
Qiyas (Analogy) The knowledge which is deduced from the principles laid down in the Quran...
Ijma In legal terminology, Ijma means ‘consensus of opinion of the learned in Islamic jurisprudence....
Interpretation of the Quran The Arabic word Tafsir is derived from Fasara which means to...
Significance of the Quran The Holy Quran is a sacred and pure scripture revealed by...
Use of the Quran in Legal Thinking Islam is built on the foundation of faith,...
COMPILATION OF THE QURAN Under the first Khalifa, Hazrat Abu Bakr At the time of...
The revelation of the Quran between 610 and 632 A.D As he approached the age...
Makki and Madni Surahs The revelation of the Quran to the Holy Prophet PBUH started...