#Benefits Of Surah Quraish (The Hejazi) – Islam Peace Of Heart

Surah Quraish (Hejazi)

If you go on a journey and you have fear of losing your life or property or fear of the enemy or if someone is traveling on a plane and they have fear of a plane crash, before traveling he should recite Surah Quraish 101 times and after 11 times Durood Ibrahim blow on water and drink it. Inshallah, He will be safe in his journey.

If someone has a negative thought while eating something that eating something will have an upset stomach or get sick so before eating something recite Surah Quraish 1 time blow on the food and eat it. Inshallah, Which thing you will eat save you from disease.

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‣ Benefits Of Surah Fel

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‣ Benefits Of Surah Kausar

If anyone is afraid of the enemy then he should recite this Surah 11 times and blow in the direction where the enemy lives. Inshallah, By the grace of Allah SWT. He will be safe from the enemy.

If someone is unemployed and has a shortage of sustenance so he should recite this Surah 41 times and pray from Allah SWT. Inshallah, By the grace of Allah SWT he will get a job and he will be safe from the scarcity of sustenance.

If someone has stone pain. So he should recite this Surah 7 times for 11 days and blow on water drink and drink it. Inshallah, Allah SWT will save him from stone pain.

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‣ Benefits Of Surah Waqiah

‣ Benefits Of Surah Hashr
‣ Benefits Of Surah Naba
‣ Benefits Of Surah Juma

Imam Muhammad al-Baqir said: Whoever frequently recites this Surah will be safe from the heat of hellfire.

If a businessman or a person in financial difficulties keeps this Surah al-Quraish in his possession, the doors of sustenance will be opened to him.

Recitation of this Surah Al-Quraish in prayers also increases one’s sustenance Water in which this Surah has been dissolved is useful in keeping away unwanted pests (eg. Insects and rodents).