Al-Muzamil (Enfolded)
Surah Muzamil is a very blessed and effective Surah. Because it has a special relationship with the Holy Prophet PBUH that is why this Surah is filled with lots of virtues.
This is Surah is very effective, especially for difficulties. To ease the difficulties, To get rid of poverty, To increase wealth, and For doing good deeds. Whoever recites Surah Muzamil 41 times. His all difficulties will be solved.
The Holy Prophet PBUH said: Whoever recites this Surah frequently. Allah SWT will keep him happy in this world and hereafter. His all problems will be solved and he will feel easy in any kind of bad situation.
The Holy Prophet PBUH said: Whoever recites this Surah in a state of difficulty. Inshallah, Allah SWT will remove his difficulty.
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Whoever recites this Surah 11 times after fajr prayer for 1 year his wealth will increase. He will never suffer from poverty. If someone recites this Surah 7 times his wealth will increase.
Whoever recites this Surah 1 time in tahajjud prayer or at bedtime. He will be blessed with the pilgrimage of the Holy Prophet PBUH. Whoever recites this Surah in tahajjud prayer in i’tikaf. He will be blessed with faith virtues and advantages.
This Surah is the most liked Surah of Islamic Scholars. Most people who have done this process gain lots of benefits from this Surah. Because this Surah is very fast and effective for domination.
If someone’s wealthy has an obstacle or something has happened which doesn’t seem possible. So, he should recite this Surah 40 times for 40 days. Inshallah, By the grace of Allah SWT his problem will be solved.