#Zakat The Fourth Pillar Of Islam – Islam Peace Of Heart


Zakat – Obligatory Charity

A major pillar on which the structure of Islam stands is Zakat which might be defined as that portion of a man’s wealth which is designated for the poor. The Holy Prophet PbUh, himself described Zakat as wealth which is taken from the rich and given to the poor. he’s reported to possess said: “It (Zakat) should be collected from the well-to-do and distributed to the poor. “

The word Zakat springs from ‘Zakat’ which implies to extend or to bless. Another meaning of the word as employed in the Quran carries the sense of purification. It finds its origin within the Quranic command to require alms from their goods to purify and sanctify them (9: 103)

It is related by a companion that the Holy Prophet* said: “Allah has enjoined Zakat upon you in order that the remainder of your wealth is cleansed through it. “

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Saum Fasting


5 Pillars Of Islam


Thus, Zakat which is wealth taken from the rich and given to the poor, is so called, because it makes wealth grow, or because the gifting away of wealth could be a source of purification. It purifies the giver’s heart of the love of wealth and from greed and selfishness and also the receiver’s heart from hatred and envy of these who are comfortable than him While the three pillars of Islam i.e., prayer, fasting and pilgrimage benefit nobody but the one who performs them, Zakat benefits humanity. Thus, by regularly paying Zakat, a Muslim performs his duty and discharges his obligation towards poor Muslims.

The two commandments to stay up prayer and to present Zakat are often mentioned together within the Quran, as an example, it is said,

“And be steadfast in prayer and regular in charity… ” (2:110)

And again: And establish regular prayer and provides regular charity

The Holy Quran states the distinguishing qualities of the believers within the following words:

“Who believe the Unseen, are steadfast in prayer and spend of what we’ve got provided for them. ” (2: 3)

Therefore, even as the maintaining of normal prayer may be a sign of religion, the payment of Zakat, too; is one in every of the attributes of a  believer. On the opposite hand, in every of the signs of the unbelievers, in step with the Quran is that they deny the Hereafter and don’t pay Zakat. Hazrat Abu Bakr, the primary Khalifa (269)

said that there was no difference between Salat and Zakat. In fact, he sent an armed force against a gaggle of individuals who refused to pay Zakat while observing Salat and professmg to be Muslims.

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Distribution Of Zakat

Tawaf Of Kaaba

Terms Associated With Hajj

Faraiz Or Obligatory Of Hajj

Zakat has invariably been mentioned within the Quran and Hadis either with its virtues and benefits during this world and therefore the next, like increase in wealth and Divine Reward or with the warning of a dreadful punishment to people who fail to pay. it. The Quran says: “The parable of these who spend their substance within the way of Allah is that of a grain of corn: it growth seven ears, and every ear hath 100 grains: Allah giveth manifold increase to whom He pleaseth..

And there are people who bury gold and silver and spend it not within the way of Allah3 announce unto them a most grievus penalty. ” (9: 34)

Holy Prophet PBUH declared Zakat to be a source of success and felicity in both the worlds. On the opposite hand, he admonished those that don’t pay Zakat and warned them of a dreadful punishment. he’s reported to possess said: “There is rarely daily wherein the servants of Allah arise within the morning and two angels descend (on them).” one amongst them says: “O Allah! Give him quite he spends (for Allah’s sake)” and therefore the other says: “O Allah! Bring destruction to the one who withholds. ” (Bukhari)

Besides being a-pillar of Islam, Zakat has its economic and social benefits. It is, in fact, a welfare tax. it’s the backbone of the financial system of Islam. Its purpose is to enhance the condition of the poor, to offer them economic security, to forestall the buildup of wealth during a few hands and to extend the wealth of the state as an entire. The aim of Zakat is thus, to ascertain a self-supporting society during which everyone gets an opportunity to meet their basic needs and to steer a respectable.


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