#Wives Of The Holy Prophet – Islam Peace Of Heart


The domestic life of the Holy Prophet PBUH can be divided into four periods. His early life till the age of 25, after which he married Hazrat Khadija. This marriage lasted till the death of Hazrat Khadija, when the Prophet PBUH was about fifty years old. From then till the age of sixty he married several times. From sixty till his death he did not contract any marriage.

If the Prophet PBUH had not been a complete master of himself, he could not have led an exceptionally chaste and pure life till the age of twenty-five. His worst enemies could not point out a single blot on his character. At the age of twenty-five Hazrat Muhammad married a widow, Khadija.

Thereafter, he led with her a life of devotion till her death. After the death of Hazrat Khadija, he married an elderly lady, Sawdah, who was the widow of a convert to Islam. Both husband and wife had migrated to Abyssinia in order to escape from the persecution of the Quraish.

In the third period, he married Aisha, the daughter of his closest friend. Hazrat Abu Bakr. In the second year of the Hijrat, began the series of battles with the Quraish and other Arab tribes which reduced the number of males among Muslims. These battles continued upto 8 A.H. It was during this time that the Prophet PBUH contracted several marriages. However, after the Quranic injunction limiting the number of wives to four was revealed in 8 A.H the Holy Prophet PBUH did not marry. Out of respect for the Holy Prophet PBUH, his wives were called ‘Mothers of the Faithful’ -Ummhat-ul-Muminin. They did not re-marry after the death of the Prophet PBUH.

“His wives are their mothers”; has been stated in the Holy Quran. The responsibilities and duties of the wives of the Holy Prophet PBUH differ from those of other women. The Prophet’s PBUH wives are unique in honour, respect and dignity. They are as follows-

Hazrat Khadija

Hazrat Khadija, also known as Tahira, or the pure was the daughter of Khuwalid bin Asad and Fatima bint Za’idah. She came of a noble and prosperous Quraish family. Her father who was a successful businessman and a chief of his family had left her a large fortune. She had been maried to Abu Hala Bin Zurarah and was the mother of two sons i.e., Hala and Hind. As such Khadija was also known as Umm-e-Hind. After the death ot her first husband, She was married to Ateeq bin Aidh Makhzumi, who died leaving her a widow again. She had a daughter from him who was named Hindah.

After the death of her father in the battle of Fijar, Khadija needed the services of an honest person to manage her trade. Several notable people of Makkah recommended the Holy Prophet PBUH as a suitable choice. His very first expedition to Syria, In which he was accompanied by Khadija’s Slave, Maisra was very successful. His subsequent undertakings were of an equally fruitful nature. As a result, Khadija prospered in her business.

With the passage of time, her admiration for Muhammad PBUH developed into a deeper affection and she sent him a proposal of marriage that was accepted after consultation with the elders of the family. At the time of their marriage, Hazrat Muhammad PBUH was twenty-five years old, while Hazrat Khadija was forty years of age.

The marriage proved to be a very happy one. The Holy Prophet PBUH did not marry again as long as Hazrat Khadija lived. She bore him two sons and four daughters. Both the sons died in infancy. Of the daughters, only the youngest, Fatima, survived to see the great events of her father’ s life.

Hazrat Khadija died in the 10th year of Prophethood on 11th Ramazan, three years before Hijrat. She was then sixty-five. She was buried at Makkah.

Hazrat Khadija had the honour of being the first convert to Islam and the first to abandon the idolatrous creed of her forefathers. She suffered with the Holy Prophet PBUH the persecution and hardships inflicted by the Quraish from the time of his prophethood till her death. Her death was a terrible loss to the Holy Prophet PBUH. From the beginning, she had stood faithfully by him. Her death meant that he could no longer find the compassion with which she comforted him after the disappointments he faced with the Quraish. Whenever he came home depressed, rejected by his own people, he always found her full of sympathy. She consoled him and inspired him with renewed hope and courage.

Besides her moral support, Hazrat Khadija placed all her wealth at his disposal, so that he did not have to worry about financial matters.

The Holy Prophet’s PBUH love and gratitude for Hazrat Khadija was so great that Hazrat Aisha, the young wife of the Prophet PBUH whom he married after the death of Khadija became jealous.

One day, Hazrat Khadija’s sister Hala whose yoice sounded exactly like Hazrat Khadija’s, came to visit the Prophet PBUH. As soon as he heard the familar voice, he said:

“It must be Hala; her voice is just like that of Khadija.”

Hazrat Aisha who was with the Prophet PBUH burst forth,

“How is it that you always think of the old woman who is no more living when Allah has given you much better wives.”

“Never better, replied the Holy Prophet PBUH, She hailed my mission at a time when everyone was against it and supported me when there was hardly a believer. How can I forget her?”

On another occasion, he said: “Aisha! Khadija’s love was given to me by Allah; never did Allah give me a better wife than Khadija.”

It is a historical fact that Hazrat Khadija was of immense help and strength to the cause of Islam. it is said by Ibn-e-Hashim that she was a true counsellor of the Holy Prophet PBUH of Islam. There are a number of traditions praising Hazrat Khadija. According to Bukhari and Muslim:

“The noblest women of the world are Hazrat Mariam and Hazrat Khadija. “

Hazrat Sawdah

The death of Hazrat Khadija left the Prophet PBUH gloomy and inconsolable. He had to look after the children and attend to the household chores that caused a hindrance in his Prophetic mission. His companions felt his sorrow and worry and desired that he should re-marry. Someone proposed the name of Sawdah bint Zama’ ah, one of the earliest converts to lslam. She had been married to Sakran bin Amr, also a convert to lslan. She had migrated to Abyssinia along with her husband, but had returned to Makkah about the time of Khadija’s death. Her husband had died, leaving her a widow with one son. As she was the only Muslim in her family which had turned against her, she needed help and protection.

When the matter was brought to the notice of the Holy Prophet PBUH, he decided to marry her and bring her under his protection. In marrying this lady, the Prophet PBUH had the consideration that an early convert to Islam may be helped and honoured. Hazrat Sawdah was extremely devoted to the Prophet PBUH that, She led a very simple and pious life. Later on, when the Prophet PBUH married Aisha, the young daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr, Sawdah loved her and attended to all her needs. Afterwards, when the Prophet PBUH divided his time equally among all his wives according to the command of justice enjoined by the Holy Quran, Hazrat Sawdah gave up her turn in favour of Hazrat Aisha. She migrated to Madinah in the first year of the Hijrat. Her dwelling and Hazrat Aisha’s were the first to be built in the mosque.

The Prophet PBUH loved her for her piety as well as simplicity. She was of a meek and humble nature as well as kind and affectionate. Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH referred to her as the most charitable and generous of his wives.

She is distinguished for her sense of duty and obedience. On the eve of the last pilgrimage, the Holy Prophet PBUH enjoined his wives to remain in retirement after his death. Hazrat Sawdah followed this directive so much so that she never left her house even tor Hajj and Umrah.

She was a devout person and was very punctual about her hours of prayers. she would get up for her prayers with the Prophet PBUH before dawn and remain absorbed in her devotion till after sunrise. She died in the 22nd year of the Hijrat towards the end of the Khilafat of Hazrat Umar. She was buried in Jannat-al-Baqi, the graveyard where those close to the Holy Prophet PBUH were buried. Five traditions are said to be narrated by her.

Hazrat Aisha

Shortly before his migration to Madinah, the Holy Prophet married Hazrat Aisha. At the time of marriage, she was ten years old. On attaining maturity, her marriage was solemnised in Madinah. It was her first marriage. She was the daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr, the most intimate companion of the Holy Prophet PBUH the first Khalifa of Islam. She was also known by the titles of Humaira and Umm-e-Abdullah.

Hazrat Aisha was married to the Holy Prophet ten years after he received the first revelation. At the time of the death of the Holy Prophet, she was twenty-five years old. She spent the remaining forty-eight years of her life as a widow, preaching and propagating the message of the Holy Quran and Hadis. Hazrat Umar succeeded Hazrat Abu Bakr as the Khalifa. He respected Hazrat Aisha very much. She herself acknowledges this in these words:

“Ibn-e-Khattab has done me great favours after the death of the Holy Prophet PBUH”.

Hazrat Umar had fixed an annual allowance of ten thousand dirhams for each wife of the Holy Prophet PBUH, but in the case of Hazrat Aisha, the amount was fixed at twelve thousand dirhams. This was so, because she was very close to the Holy Prophet PBUH.

On 17th Ramazan 58 A.H., towards the end of the Khilafat of Muawiya, Hazrat Aisha died at the age of seventy-three. According to her will, she was buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi in Madinah. Her place as interpreter of religious issues and as a jurist of Sunnah and Shariat is very high. Imam Zuhri, a leading jurist says:

“Hazrat Aisha was the most learned person among the people. Senior and learned companions used to consult her.”

Abu Musa Ashari said:

“We never faced any difficulty on which, when we enquired from Aisha we did not get information relating to it.

Umar bin Zubair Says:

“Aisha was the most scholarly person of her time in Quran, fundamentals of religion, fiqh, poetry, medicine, Arabian history and genealogy and discrimination between lawful and unlawful things.”

Hazrat Aisha was far ahead in knowledge of lslam, not just ahead of the other wives of the Prophet PBUH or other women, but except for a few eminent men even ahead of the companions of the Prophet PBUH as testified by Imam Zuhri:

“If the knowledge of all men and the wives of the Prophet PBUH were put together, the knowledge of Aisha would exceed it all.”

Hazrat Aisha is ranked among the prominent companions of the Holy Prophet PBUH, She used to convey decisions on religious matters even during the days of the first three khalifas. About her intelligence and good judgement, Nabia Abbot, an American writer and a teacher at the University of Chicago says that she stands shoulder to shoulder with eminent jurists of her time like Abu Huraira, Ibn-e-Umar and Ibn-e-Abbas. Her memory was excellent and she had memorized several thousand traditions.

As a wife of the Holy Prophet PBUH, she had a privileged position and she enjoyed constant companionship with her husband. As such, her knowledge of the meaning of the Holy Quran and the traditions and practices of the Holy Prophet PBUH was better than many others. She is the pioneer of devising a system of coordination of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah.

In Islamic jurisprudence or Fiqh, the interpretation of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet PBUH, eminent jurists and theologians of Islam, like Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Bukhari followed the principles laid down by Hazrat Aisha. This privilege gave her first place among the traditionist of Islam. She never accepted a Hadis that was in conflict with the Holy Quran.

She is one of the most authentic sources of traditions. As many as two thousand, two hundred and ten traditions are reported by her. Her apartment was chosen for the distinction of being made the everlasting resting place of the Holy Prophet PBUH.

Hazrat Aisha was a very pious and God-fearing lady. Apart from the five obligatory prayers, she would offer extra prayers as well. She fasted very often and was particular about the pilgrimage. She would often purchase slaves in order to free them.

Hazrat Hafsa

Hazrat Hafsa was the daughter of the second Khalifa, Hazrat Umar bin Khattab. She was born five years before prophethood. She was first married to Khunais, son of Huzaifa. Hafsa became a Muslim along with her parents and her husband. He was among those who had migrated to Abyssinia. Later, both Hafsa and her husband migrated to Madinah, Khunais took part in the Battle of Badr in which he was martyred, leaving no issue.

After the prescribed period of iddat was over, the Holy Prophet PBUH but expressed his desire to marry Hazrat Hafsa with a view to strengthening his ties with Hazrat Umar and his tribe.

Hazrat Hafsa died in the month of Shaban 45 A.H., during the Khilafat of Muawiya. Before her death, she asked her brother Abdullah bin Umar to distribute her property to the poor and needy. She had no issues. She was buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi.

Her kowledge of religious matters was very sound. Her thirst for knowledge ranks second fo Hazrat Aisha. She spent much of her time in reading and writing. The Holy Prophet PBUH had instructed her in religion and other related topics. As a result she became a teacher, guide and an authority on complicated matters. At least, sixty traditions have been quoted by her, which she heard from the Holy Prophet PBUH and her father, Hazrat Umar. She was an extremely religious lady, known for her devotion to prayer and fasting.

She was also the custodian of the original copy of the Holy Quran compiled by Zaid bin Sabit under orders from Khalifa, Abu Bakr, This script first remained in the custody of Khalifa Abu Bakr. After his death, it passed into the possession of Hazrat Umar who finally bequeathed it to Hazrat Hafsa for safe custody, This copy subsequently became the authentic version of the Holy Quran.

Hazrat Zainab bint Khuzaimah

She was the daughter of Khuzaimah bin Abdullah. She was first married to Abdullah bin Jahsh who was martyred in the Battle of Uhad. As a widow she led a life of poverty. Some persons offered to marry her, but for some reason or the other, she rejected these offers.

Considering the services rendered by her late husband, Holy Prophet PBUH proposed to her. Hazrat Zainab accepted this offer and they were married in the month of Ramazan, 3 A.H. But her companionship with the Prophet PBUH proved very short. She died within three months of her marriage and was buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi.

The Prophet PBUH offered her funeral prayers himself in accordance with the Quranic order. It may be of interest to add that when Hazrat Khadija died, the Holy Prophet PBUH had not received any revelation on this point. At the time of her death, Hazrat Zainab was thirty years old.

Hazrat Zainab was a very kind lady, ever ready to help the poor and the needy, even at the cost of her own needs. No poor person ever returned empty handed from her house. For this reason, she was called Umm-ul-Masakin, “The mother of the poor.” She was courteous and well mannered and in benevolence and generosity, she had no parallel.

Hazrat Umm-e-Salamah

Her real name was Hind bint Ali Umayya ibn Mughira. She was from the house of Makhzoom, a tribe of the Quraish. Her father was the leader of his tribe who had taken part in the Battles of Badr and Uhad. He was a rich and generous personality of Makkah. She was born and brought up in great luxury and comfort.

She was popularly known by the name of Umm-e-Salamah because of her son Salamah from her first husband Abdullah bin Asad. She embraced Islam with her husband and is considered to have been one of the earliest Muslims. She first migrated to Abyssinia with her husband. From there she came to Makkah. From Makkah, she migrated to Madinah. She had the distinction of being the first Muslim woman to migrate to Madinah. In Madinah, her stay with her husband was short-lived. In the Battle of Uhad, her husband received injuries that proved fatal.

After the completion of Iddat, the waiting period, the Holy Prophet PBUH  proposed to marry her. She accepted the offer and they were married in the year 4 A.H.

She outlived all the wives of the Holy Prophet PBUH. She died in 63 A.H. at the age of eighty-four. Hazrat Abu Hurairah led the funeral prayers and she was buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi.

Among the wives of the Holy Prophet PBUH Hazrat Umm-e-Salamah was second only to Hazrat Aisha in learning. She was very keen to learm traditions.

She has quoted a numbers of traditions on the authority of her first husband Abu Salamah. Hazrat Fatima and the Holy Prophet PBUH himself. Besides, several authors have quoted traditions on her authority. As a historian says,

“The wives of the Prophet PBUH were treasuries of Hadis, but Aisha and Umm-e-Salamah had no equal.”

She is the narrator of three hundred and seventy-eight Ahadis. Hazrat Umm-e-Salamah was very modest and generous. She used to lead a simple and pious life. She had intense love for the Holy Prophet and was extremely devoted to him.

Hazrat Umm-e-Salamah was an impressive reader of the Holy Quran and her style of recitation was identical with that of the Holy Prophet.

Hazrat Zainab bint Jahsh

She was the daughter of Umaima bint Abdul Muttalib and was theretfore one of the first cousins of the Prophet PBUH. She was one of the early converts to Islam. Her original name was Barra that the Prophet PBUH changed when she embraced Islam.

In 3 A.H., she was married to Zaid bin Haris, the freed slave of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, and also his adopted son. The people of her family were against this match and were not willing to give her in marriage to a freed slave. But since Islam laid down piety as the only criterion for honour and Hazrat Zaid was an extremely pious man, the Holy Prophet PBUH did not hesitate to offer his cousin in marriage to him.

When the Prophet first sent ber a proposal on behalf of Zaid, she refused. She said that she did not like Zaid for he was a freed slave. Her brother Abdullah Bin Jahsh supported her in her refusal to marry Zaid. But as the Prophet PBUH  loved Zaid and regarded him as his son, he insisted that the offer must be accepted. Thereupon, Zainab and her brother agreed and she was married to Zaid. But within a year or so, he found it difficult to maintain his relationship with her and he divorced her.

After the period of waiting was over, the Prophet PBUH sent her a proposal of marriage. Zainab replied that she could not give any reply without consulting Allah. Meanwhile, the Holy Prophet PBUH received the following revelation:

“Then when Zaid had dissolved (his marriage) with her, We joined her in marriage to thee.” (33: 37)

This Divine order completed the marriage formalities. She died at the age of fifty-three in the year 20 A.H., during the Khilafat of Hazrat Umar. At the time of her death, she left only her residential house as legacy, because whatever was received by her was distributed among the poor.

This house was later on purchased for 50,000 dirhams by the Umayyad Khalifa, Walid bin Abdul Malik, for the extension of the Holy Prophet’s PBUH mosque. Hazrat Umar led her funeral prayers. She was buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi.

There are many reports about her piety. According to Hazrat Aisha:

“In the eyes of Allah’s messenger, only Zainab competes with me in honour and dignity. I have not seen any woman more religious, pious, truthful, generous, charitable or engaged in the pleasure of Allah than Zainab.”

Hazrat Zainab was very particular about her prayers and fasts. She was extremely generous. She used to earn her living herself and would spend her money on the poor. When she died, the poor people of Madinah were shocked and disturbed because they had lost a patron and a benefactor.

The Holy Prophet PBUH had foretold that among his wives the one with a long hand would meet him in heaven first. By “long hand” he meant benevolence.

This prophecy came true after the death of Hazrat Zainab who was the most generous of the Prophet Wives and who was the first one from amongst his wives to die after his death.

Hazrat Jawairiyah bint Haris

In the 5th Hijri, the tribe of Banu Mustaliq, headed by its chief Haris,

attacked the Muslims. They were defeated. Some of their men were killed and their women and children made captives. Among them was Jawairiyah bint Haris, then known as Barra bint Haris. When the Prophet PBUH distributed the captives amongst Muslim soldiers, she fell to the lot of Sabit bin Qais. She requested him to release her on the payment of ransom. In order to raise the money, she approached the Holy Prophet who told her that he was ready to pay her ransom and marry her if she liked. She agreed to this proposal. So, the Holy Prophet paid the amount of ransom and married her. As a result of this marriage, all the prisoners of war numbering about six hundred were freed by the Muslims. The reason was they did not like that any member of the family in which the Holy Prophet was married, be made a slave. Thus, Hazrat Jawairiyah is that fortunate lady who, not only secured an honourable place for herself, but helped to free six hundred of her kinsmen. After her marriage, the Holy Prophet changed her name to Jawairiyah.

She died at the age of sixty-five during the reign of Muawiya,. She was buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi.

She wa very religious-minded and spent much of her time in prayers. According to traditions, the Holy Prophet PBUH almost always found her busy in prayers. She also fasted very often. Hazrat Jawairiyah was a woman of great learning. A number of traditions have been quoted by eminent traditionists on her authority.

Hazrat Umm-e-Habibah

Her name was Ramlah. She was the daughter of Abu Sufyan. She was first married to Ubaidullah bin Jahsh. She embraced Islam along with her husband. Both of them migrated to Abyssinia where she gave birth to a daughter named Habibah, and so she came to be known as Umm-e-Habibah.

In Abyssinia, when her husband converted to Christianity, Umm-e-Habibah, left him. At the end of Iddat, the prescribed period of waiting, the Holy Prophet PBUH sent her a proposal of marriage. According to Sahih Muslim, the people of Madinah, requested the Holy Prophet PBUH to marry her in order to resettle her. This was also to save her from falling into the hands of her father, Abu Sufyan, who was at that time an enemy of Islam.

Hazrat Umm-e-Habibah was very pleased to receive this proposal of marriage. She was married to the Holy Prophet PBUH in the sixth or seventh year of the Hijrat. She died at the age of seventy-three in 44 A.H., during the reign of her brother Muawiya. She was buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi.

Hazrat Umm-e-Habibah was a staunch believer in the tenets of Islam. She strictly followed the injunctions laid down by the Holy Prophet PBUH and urged others to follow them. She looked after the widows and the orphans. She was a devoted and loving wife of the Holy Prophet PBUH. She is the narrator of sixty five traditions.

When Hazrat Usman, the third Khalifa of Islam, was besieged in his house by the rebels and his family members had no food or water for several days, she tried to take water for the besieged persons. But the rebels stopped her from entering the house.

Hazrat Umm-e-Habibah suffered a lot for the cause of Islam. She was born in the house of a tribal chief. Yet she gladly underwent all the sufferings for the sake of her faith. She left her country and went to a foreign land for the cause of Islam, and when her husband deserted her and left her alone in an alien land, she stood firm and bore all the problems patiently. In the end, Allah rewarded her for her piety and steadfastness when the Holy Prophet PBUH married her.

Hazrat Safiyah

Her real name was Zainab. She was born in Madinah and belonged to the jewish tribe of Banu Nazir. When this tribe was expelled from Madinah, her father settled in Khyber along with Kinana bin Rabi, to whom Safiyah was married a little before the Muslims attacked Khyber. She had formerly been the wife of Salam bin Mishkam who had divorced her.

On the third day of the war, Khyber fell and the captives were brought before the Holy Prophet PBUH. Among them was Safiyah. The Prophet PBUH gave orders that she should be seated behind him and threw his mantle over her as a sign that he had decided to marry her. On the way back to Madinah, the Holy Prophet PBUH married her. After the mariage, she was given the name of Safiyah.

She died at the age of sixty and was buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi.

She was sober and patient by nature, very generous and open handed. She was kind and sympathetic. In 35 A.H., when Hazrat Usman was besieged in his house by the rebels, who had stopped supplies of food and water to him, she went to his house with food and water. However, the rebels did not allow her to go inside the house. She returned and deputed Imam Hassan, the grandson of the Holy Prophet PBUH to take food and water to Hazrat Usman.

All historians are unanimous in acclaiming her as a storehouse of knowledge. All those in search of knowledge and wisdom would go to her. Allama Abdul Birr says:

“Hazrat Safiyah was full of wisdom and learning.”

Ibne-e-Aseer remarks:

“She was a wise and intelligent woman.”

A number of traditions have been quoted from her.

Hazrat Maimunah bint Haris

Her original name was Barra, she belonged to the tribe of Quraish. She was the sister-in-law of Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib, an uncle of the Holy Prophet PBUH. She was first married to Masud bin Amr. After her divorce from her husband she re-married. Her second husband died, after which she lived as a widow in Makkah. On the initiative of Hazrat Abbas, the Holy Prophet PBUH sent her a proposal of marriage that was accepted. The marriage took place in 7 A.H.

After her marriage, she was given the name Maimunah, which means the blessed one. She was named Maimunah because she was married to the Holy Prophet PBUH at a time when he and his followers were able to enter Makkah after years of exile.

Hazrat Aisha is said to have remarked:

“Maimunah was very God-fearing and had great regard for the rights of her kith and kin.”

She was fond of freeing slaves. She was very pious and humble. The Holy Prophet called her a ‘Symbol of Goodness’. Forty-six traditions are quoted from her., which show her knowledge and understanding of complicated problems of religion.

She died in 51 A.H. at the same place where she had been married to the Holy Prophet She was buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi.

Hazrat Rehana bint Sham’oon

Hazrat Rehana bint Sham’oon belonged to the well-known Jewish tribe of Banu Quraiza. In 6 A.H., when Muslims captured this place, Hazrat Rehana  was brought as a prnisoner of war. According to some reports, she was freed by the Prophet PBUH offered to marry her if she accepted Islam. She agreed and thereafter the Holy Prophet married her. She died ten years after the death of the Holy Prophet PBUH.

Hazrat Maria Qibtia

After the treaty of Hudaibiya, the Holy Prophet PBUH sent letters to a number of kings and chiefs inviting them to accept Islam. He sent one such letter to the chief of Egypt. Although, that chief did not accept Islam, he received the messenger warmly and sent a number of presents to the Holy Prophet. In accordance with the prevailing custom, he sent Hazrat Maria as a present to the Holy Prophet. She embraced Islam before reaching Madinah. Later the Prophet married her. After giving birth to the Holy Prophet’s son. Ibrahim she rose in esteem and position among the wives of the Holy Prophet PBUH.

Hazrat Maria was pious and religious minded. She came from a respectable family. She was the second lady, after Hazrat Khadija, to have the honour of becoming the mother of the Holy Prophet’ s son, Ibrahim. Towards the end of his life, the Holy Prophet had to sufter the shock of the death of his son, Ibrahim, which caused him immense pain and sorrow.

Hazrat Maria was buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi. She was greatly respected by the first two Khalifas of Islam, Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar and a pension was paid to her after the death of the Holy Prophet PBUH.


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