#Birth Of The Holy Prophet PBUH- Islam Peace Of Heart


Birth Of The Holy Prophet

Birth and Upbringing Of The Holy Prophet:

Prophet Muhammad PBUH was born among these people. In those days there was a custom among the Arabs to give their suckling infants in charge of Bedouin women, who would take them into the desert, and return them to the parents after a few years. The Holy Prophet PBUH was given in charge of Halima Saadia. She loved Hazrat Muhammad PBUH very much and the Prophet PBUH always had the highest regard for her: He used to call her ‘my mother’.

At the age of six, Halima Saadia brought him back to his mother who took him to Yasrib to visit the grave of his father Abdullah and also to meet her relatives. During the return journey from Yasrib, Aminah died and was buried at Abwa. Hazrat Muhammad PBUH was brought.back to Makkah by Umme-e-Aiman.

Abdul Muttalib then took over the charge of his grandson. He showered on him all his love and affection. Unfortunately, this also could not last for a long time as Abdul Muttalib died when the Holy Prophet PBUH was only eight years old. Then Abu Talib, an uncle of the Holy Prophet PBUH, took over the responsibility of bringing him up as his ‘son. He faithfully and kindly discharged his duties and loved his nephew more than his own sons.

In those days, reading and writing was not common, therefore, Hazrat Muhammad PBUH did not get any formal education. When he was nine years old. Hazrat Muhammad PBUH began to show signs of an intelligent and inquisitive mind. He loved solitude and would not indulge in playful activities with children Or his own age. He was loved by the people because of his sweet and peaceful nature.

At the age of twelve, he accompanied Abu Talib on a trade journey to Syria and proceeded as far as Basra. There they met a Christian monk, Bahira, who recognized in Hazrat Muhammad PBUH the signs of the Prophet as released in Christian books. He advised Abu Talib not to take his nephew too tar into Syria for fear that the Jews may recognize him as the future prophet and harm him.

After his return from Syria, Hazrat Muhammad PBUH used to spend long hours in solitary meditation and speak less to the people. He, however, was very particular in helping the poor, the widows and the orphans. From his childhood.

He disliked polytheism and never worshipped idols, nor ate any f0od that was offered as a sacrifice to them. During his youth, he worked as a shepherd which gave him an opportunity for thought and meditation.


Hazrat Muhammad PBUH was about fifteen years old when a sacrilegious war or Harb-ul-Fijar broke out between the Quraish and Hawazin tribes. The war was so called because it was fought during the sacred months when fighting was forbidden.

Hazrat Muhammad PBUH accompanied his uncles, but he did not take an active part in the war. He only collected the arrows thrown by the enemy and handed them over to his uncles.

This was a major event in the life of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH and one which must have had a grèat impact on his character. His impression of the war was most probably concerned with the tragic results of the war, the bloodshed and the unnecessary human suffering. Being the first armed conflict that he witnessed, he could not have escaped its influence on his mild and peace loving temperament and he must have developed a very strong and lasting
dislike for war.

At the same time his indirect participation in the war also gave him a military experience that is so vital for any person destined to be a leader of people through a major socio-religious revolution.


As a result of Fijar war thousands of lives were lost. When the leaders of Makkah saw the effects of the war, they formed a league called Half-al-Fazul with the object of maintaining peace in the region; also for suppressing any violence and injustice and for upholding the rights of the weak, the poor and the destitute.

This alliance was called al-Fuzul after three of the main participants each of whom was called al-Fazl. It 1s also suggested that this alliance was called al fazul because it was made for a noble cause: the name suggests maintaining.

The Hashimites under the leadership of Zubair bin Abdul Muttalib along with some other tribes assembled in the house of a noble Quraish, Abdullah bin Judan and pledged to stand on the side of the oppressed, whether stranger citizen, against the oppressor and to remove injustice from the land.

Hazrat Muhammad was among those who attended the meeting and was so impressed by its noble objectives that he remained loyal to it. Later on, he said: “I was present in the house of Abdullah bin Judan at so excellent a pact that I would not exchange my part in it for a herd of red camels; and if now in Islam, I were summoned unto it, I would gladly respond” (Muhammad: Martin Lings)

Al-Sadiq and Al-Amin

In his early life, the Holy Prophet PBUH worked as a shepherd and took care of the family’s and neighbour’s herds. When he grew up, he started to trade.

Unlike other businessmen of the time, he was extremely honest and fair in his dealings. Hazrat Sa’ ad, his business partner said: “I was a partner of Muhammd PBUH in business. I always found him very honest in his dealings; he never picked quarrels, nor made any false statement” (Allama Shibli Naumani: Sirat-un-Nabi)

His honesty and truthfulness impressed the people to such an extent that they gave him the titles of Al-Sadiq – The Truthful and Al-Amin The Trustworthy. They would also entrust their valuables to him for safekeeping.

Even after the declaration of prophethood, they had so much faith in his honesty and trustworthiness that they continued to leave their valuables with him for safe custody.

Marriage to Khadija

At that time there lived in Makkah, a wealthy and respectable widow, Khadija, daughter of Khuwalid, who was the great grandson of Qussai. She was very impressed by the honesty and goodness of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH. She was forty years old and twice widowed. She had two sons and a daughter From her previous marriages. On account of her exceptional character, she was known as Tahira, the pious one.

She requested Hazrat Muhammad PBUH to take her merchandise to Syria against a share in the profits. She also sent her slave Maisara with him. He returned From Syria with good profits. Maisara also spoke of his fair dealings to Hazrat Khadija. She was so pleased that she herself made an offer of marriage to him.

Abu Talib accepted the proposal on behalf of the Holy Prophet PBUH and shortly, Thereafter, he married Hazrat Khadija. At that time he was twenty-five and she was The union proved successful. They had two sons and four daughters, Only the youngest Sons died in infancy. Of the daughters, only, the youngest, Hazrat Fatima survived the Holy Prophet PBUH.

Hazrat Khadija was the Prophet’s PBUH only wife till her death at the age of Sixty-five in the 10th year of Prophethood. The Holy Prophet always retained his love for her. She was buried in Makkah.


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