#Benefits Of Surah Mai’da (The Table) – Islam Peace Of Heart


Surah Al-Maida (The Table)


Surah Al-Ma’idah, the fifth chapter of the Quran, holds profound significance in Islam for its teachings, blessings, and the numerous rewards it offers to those who recite and reflect upon its verses. This surah encompasses a range of ethical guidelines, legal injunctions, and spiritual insights that continue to resonate with Muslims worldwide. According to narrations attributed to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the rewards for reciting Surah Al-Ma’idah are immense, promising spiritual elevation, forgiveness, and protection from hardships.

Benefits Of Surah Maida The Table

Benefits Of Surah Al-Maida:

Spiritual Rewards and Forgiveness:

According to Hadith, reciting Surah Al-Ma’idah brings rewards equivalent to ten times the number of Jews and Christians alive, along with forgiveness of sins. This highlights the surah’s potency in seeking Allah’s mercy and blessings.

Ease in Difficult Times:

Reciting Surah Al-Ma’idah during challenging circumstances is believed to alleviate difficulties. By the grace of Allah, sincere recitation is said to lead to the resolution of various hardships.

Wealth and Prosperity:

Keeping an amulet of Surah Al-Ma’idah or reciting it 41 times is believed to safeguard against poverty and increase one’s wealth. This reflects the surah’s association with material well-being through divine blessings.

Protection and Safety:

Those who recite Surah Al-Ma’idah regularly, especially in Tahajjud prayer and inscribe it with saffron, are promised protection from harm. This includes safeguarding one’s family and possessions, ensuring safety and security.

Speech Impediments:

Individuals facing speech impediments are advised to write Surah Al-Ma’idah and consume it, as it is believed to alleviate stuttering or other speech-related issues.

Importance Advantages Of Surah Maida:

It is narrated from the Holy Prophet PBUH that whoever recites this Surah Al-Maida. He will get a reward equivalent to ten times the number of Jews and Christians alive in the world and will be forgiven the same amount of sins. He will be raised in status by the same amount.

Whoever recites this Surah in difficult times. Inshallah, By the grace of Allah SWT. His all difficulties will be solved. Make an amulet of this Surah and keep it with yourself. It will increase your wealth.

Whoever recites this Surah 41 times. He and his family members will be safe from poverty.

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The reader of this surah will be dear in the eyes of the world. Whoever writes this Surah and keep it in the box. His things will be safe.

Whoever recites this Surah 10 times in Tahajjud prayer and writes this Surah from saffron and keep it with him. His opposite never harm him.

If someone’s tongue staggers. So, Write this Surah and drink it. Inshallah, His tongue staggers will be over.


In conclusion, Surah Al-Ma’idah holds profound spiritual benefits for Muslims who recite and contemplate its verses with sincerity and devotion. Its teachings encompass ethical guidelines, legal principles, and reminders of Allah’s mercy and justice. The rewards mentioned in Hadith underscore its significance in seeking divine favor, forgiveness, and protection from hardships. By embracing the teachings of Surah Al-Ma’idah and integrating its lessons into daily life, Muslims deepen their faith and connection with Allah, experiencing spiritual upliftment and guidance.


Q. How can one incorporate Surah Al-Ma’idah into daily practice?

Ans. Surah Al-Ma’idah can be recited after obligatory prayers or during Tahajjud (night) prayers. Reflecting on its meanings and implementing its teachings in daily conduct enhances its spiritual benefits.

Q. Is there a specific time or occasion recommended for reciting Surah Al-Ma’idah?

Ans. While it can be recited at any time, reciting it during times of difficulty or before making important decisions is particularly encouraged for seeking Allah’s guidance and blessings.

Q. What is the significance of writing Surah Al-Ma’idah and keeping it with oneself?

Ans. Writing the surah and keeping it as an amulet or in a safe place is believed to bring protection from harm and increase in wealth, as per the teachings attributed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Q. Are there any particular virtues associated with reciting Surah Al-Ma’idah in congregation?

Ans. Praying Surah Al-Ma’idah in congregation enhances its benefits, as it fosters unity among believers and increases spiritual rewards collectively.

Q. How does Surah Al-Ma’idah contribute to personal spiritual growth?

Ans. By studying its verses, Muslims deepen their understanding of Islamic principles, strengthen their faith, and strive to embody its ethical teachings in their daily lives, thus progressing spiritually.

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