#10 Hygiene Awareness – Islam Peace Of Heart


10 Hygiene Awareness

Five things are related to the face and five things are related to the rest of the body. The first five are:

  • Cleaning Under Legs Hair
  • Cleaning Under Arms Hair
  • Cutting nails
  • Submerging with water
  • Circumcision

Evidence of shortening the lips is found in the hadeeth narrated by Ibn Umar that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Lips (deep) cuts and beard extensions. In the hadith of Abu Hurayrah, Cut lips and Grow a beard. Both words mean the same thing. To cut means to cut the roots with scissors, Shaving with a razor is makruh. It is narrated by Abdullah Ibn Umar. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: The one who shaves the lips is not one of us. The reason was that shaving the mustache is a kind of organ transplant. It leaves the radiance and beauty of the face, Adornment is beauty in maintaining hair roots. The absolute narration of the Companions is that they used to cut their lips. Growing a beard means lengthening the beard. The rumor in the verse means to cut. It is narrated that Abu Hurayrah used to hold the beard in his fist and cut it in half. Umar Ibn Khattab said cut off the bottom part of the fist.

This is the hadeeth which is narrated by Anas about cleaning under the navel, plucking armpit hair, and trimming nails. Anas says that the deadline for cutting lips, trimming nails, plucking armpit hair, and shaving under the navel. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had given us forty days so that we would not leave more than that. Some of our colleagues are of the opinion that this permission is for the traveler. It is not good for the resident to go beyond twenty days. Absolute narrations have come from Imam Ahmad about the authenticity and incorrectness of this hadith. Some deny its authenticity and some have termed this hadeeth as an argument for temporary determination and delimitation. However, when the answer is proven, now there is an option to clean it with lime or shave it with a razor. According to a tradition, Imam Ahmad used to use lime ( A mixture of lime was used in those days like hair cleansing soap) This is also the absolute narration of Mansoor ibn Habib ibn Abi Thabit that Abu Bakr Siddiq prepared a lap for the Messenger of Allah and the work of the navel was done by the Messenger of Allah himself. Anas’s tradition is against it, It is narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) never used lime. If there was an excess of hair, they would shave. In the case of the evidence of the narration of Mansur bin Habib, it is justified that: If a person cannot correct himself, he can have the rest of the thighs and shins cleaned by someone other than the navel. Clean the navel yourself. Proof of this is the narration of Umm Salma that if the Messenger of Allah (saw) reached the navel, he would have done it himself. In some traditions, the word Maraq (urinal) has been used instead of the navel. Imam Ahmad has taken the same tradition. Abu al-Abbas Nasaai says that we applied lime from Abu Abdullah but he used lime to the extent of the navel. It is also permissible to shave with a razor when the cleansing of the navel and thighs and shins is justified with lime. Because the razor is sharper than lime. This hypothesis is supported by the aforesaid tradition of Anas that the Messenger of Allah never used lime, If there were more, they would shave. It is not correct to say that shaving or using lime is the custom of the undergrowth ( Cleaning the thighs and shins is not permissible) This is because the hadeeth narrated by Umm Salma proves that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to perform this task himself after reaching the limits of navels. These words indicate that someone else used to do the job of cleaning the thighs and shins except the navel. In the hadith in which it is accepted, it means that: Miscreants and homosexuals do it for adornment to arouse men’s interest. Active is not permissible for them.

It is makruh to choose white hair. According to the narration of Umar ibn Shoaib, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade white hair and said that it is the light of Islam. In another narration, it is narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Do not remove the white hair. Because the Muslim who was clothed in the state of Islam, dressed in white hair, This whiteness of hair will be light on the Day of Judgment. It is narrated in Yahya that Allah will write for him a good deed for every hair and will remove one sin. In other commentaries, it has been said that I mean the whiteness of the hair. White hair scares me to death, Reminds me of death, Withholds and restrains from desires and pleasures, and Prepares to provide equipment for the preparation of the Hereafter and the construction of survival. Then how can it be permissible to remove such a thing? The white hair picker probably wants to face fate. He despises the active of Allah and is angry with His decision. The order of God prefers to refresh one’s youthful face and remain steadfast. Elderly hate tolerance and the luminous dress of Islam and the Abrahamic motto of the body. It is said in some books that the first white hair in Islam was of Prophet Ibrahim. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Allaah is ashamed of white hair. This means “Allah is ashamed to punish the white hair”.

Nail trimming is recommended on Friday. Nails should not be cut in order ( This means that they should not be cut in order from the tip of the thumb Rather, he took the form mentioned above ) Because the hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is narrated that a person who cuts his nails in an orderly manner will not find pain in his eyes. Hameed bin Abdul Rehman has narrated from his father’s narration that whoever cuts his nails on Friday, Healing will enter his body and the disease will go away. This virtue and admiration of trimming nails after Asar on Thursday are also transmitted. Cutting off the counter order means starting with the right-hand grip first, Then cutting the middle finger, then the thumb, then the finger near the claw, then the fingernails of the word. The narration of Abdullah bin Bata from our Akbaris is similar. It is narrated that Ayesha Siddique said, The Messenger of Allah said to me: O Ayesha! When you cut your nails, start with the baby’s finger, then the claw, then the thumb, Then cut the finger next to the finger then the finger of Kalima, This process is easy. Where nails are cut with scissors or knives, it is makruh to cut with teeth. Trim the nails and bury the nails in the dirt. This is also the ruling on the hair of the head and the body is full of cupping and blood. It is narrated that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, ordered to bury the blood, hair, and nails in the soil.

From one of the two narrations of Imam Ahmad, it has been narrated that, It is makruh to shave one’s head without performing Hajj and ‘Umrah. Because it is narrated by Abu Masa ‘Ashri and Ubaid bin Umair that the Messenger of Allah said: Do not shave your head except for Hajj and Umrah. Dar Qatani has copied this tradition in individuals. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) rebuked the foreigners and described shaving their heads as a special sign. Umar had said to Sabigh, If I find your head shaved, I will beat the head that has your eyes. Ibn Abbas said, “Whoever shaves his head in the city is a companion of Satan.” Shaving one’s head resembles that of a non-Arab, and the Messenger of Allah said: Whoever takes the form of a nation will be one of them. When the disgust of shaving the head is fixed, it should be cut with scissors instead of shaving. Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal used to do this. There is an option to cut the hair whether it is deeply mixed with the roots or not.

Another narration of Imam Ahmad is that shaving the head is not makruh. Because Abu Dawud has narrated with his credentials that Abdullah Jafar said: ( After the martyrdom of Jafar) The Messenger of Allah sent Bilal to the family of Ja’far and then he himself visited them and said: “Don’t cry for my brother after today” Then he said, “Call your nephews and we will be taken away.” At that time we were like chickens. The Messenger of Allah said, “Call the barber.” The barber came, Ordered them to shave their heads, The barber shaved our heads, It is also narrated that the hair of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) fell from his shoulders. In the last days of his life, the Prophet had shaved his head. According to the narration of Ali, the hair of the Messenger of Allah was up to the earlobe.

Muslims have been shaving their heads at every age and no one forbade them to do this. Prohibition of shaving the head is also a tenacious hardship and such hardship will be forgiven. Like a cat and an insect liar ( Declared pure because it is difficult to avoid.) It is makruh to shave a part of the head and not to shave a part ( This is called Qaeda ) It is narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade Qadha. Shaving neck hair is makruh. Yes cleaning the neck with the feature is permissible. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to shave his head in addition to wiping it Because it belongs to the Magi. Imam Ahmad used to shave the hair of the neck to make it snug. This is done only when needed. It is customary to have long hair and to be in line in hair. It is narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) himself made a line in hair and ordered the Sahaabah to make a line in hair. This narration is narrated by some twenty companions. Among them are “Abu Ubaid”, “Ammar bin Yasir” and “Ibn Masud”. This means that it is makruh for men to leave their hair in front of their ears, as is the custom of the Alawites. It is not makruh for women because Abu Bakr Khalad, one of our greats, has narrated That Ali ibn Abi Talib disliked Tahzeef. Waleed bin Muslim states that I found people (in the first century) in such a state that Tahzeef did not enter their fashion.

Scratching hair by redemption is disgusting to all men and women. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, has cursed those who pull out their hair from Redemption. Abu ‘Ubayd said, “Thomas means to pluck hair by twisting.” It is makruh for a woman to cut her forehead with a razor blade. It is makruh for a woman to cut her hair with a glass or razor if it comes out on her face. Its prohibition has already come. But if the husband orders her and fears that she will disobey him, And if he marries another woman and in the same way he is forced and harmed, then it is not permissible for some people to do so. It is not Makrooh to adorn one’s husband with colorful clothes and to indulge in various kinds of perfumes. It is permissible to have fun and be happy. In this case, the curse that has been mentioned in the hadith on those who pluck their hair from the scalp refers to women who do this for men other than their husbands. They want to seduce them and make them inclined toward them and prepare themselves for adultery.

Black dyeing is disgusting. It is narrated from Hasan that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to those who dye black, Allah will make their faces black on the Day of Resurrection. It is narrated on the authority of Ibn Abbas that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said that they did not smell the fragrance of Paradise. One of the hadiths that have been narrated about black dyeing is that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Dye it black. It betrays the wife in enmity and in war, the enemy deceives to be your youth. The justification for black dyeing in this hadith is actually for the occasion of war. Mention of the wife is not the real purpose.

When the ugliness of black dyeing is proven, then it is mustahabb to dye henna on the head. Imam Ahmad had dyed henna at the age of 32 years. His uncle said you dyed ahead of time. The Imam replied that it is the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, According to Abu Zar, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: The best thing to change the color of white hair is henna. The narrations of the Messenger of Allah about dyeing are different. Anas states that: The hair of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was not white except for a few hairs, but Abu Bakr and Umar dyed henna after the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). It is also narrated that Umm Salma took out some of the hair of the Messenger of Allah and saw the people dyed with henna. This hadeeth proves that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) dyed henna.

The justification for dyeing with saffron has come in the clear words of Imam Ahmad. According to the narration of Abu Malik Usher, the dyeing of the Messenger of Allah was of Vers and saffron. When this is the ruling on the head, then the ruling on the beard will be the same. Because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) has given a general command to change white hair and not to imitate the Jews. In the narration of Abu Zar, it has been said that the best thing to change the white hair is a henna. This order is also common. Includes all of the scalp hair or beard. On the day of the conquest of Makkah, Abu Bakr took his father to the Messenger of Allah. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) asked Abu Bakr to honor him: You let your father stay at home, We would reach them right there. After that Abu Qahafa will become a Muslim, At that time his head and beard were white. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Change the color, but to avoid ink is clear, The order of the beard is like the head and black dyeing is forbidden. Abu Ubaid said that Sighama is a kind of grass whose flowers are white and also fruits. The whiteness of the hair is compared to that. Ibn ‘Arabi says that Sighama is a white tree that turns white like snow.

It is a mustahabb to apply ointment once a week. According to the narration of Anas, the Messenger of Allah used to apply cold at odd times. There is a difference in tradition in the state of an oddity. According to Anas, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to put three stitches in the right eye and two stitches in the left eye. The hadith of Ibn Abbas mentions putting three stitches in each eye.

Leaving one day and applying oil means applying one day and do not apply one day. It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, forbade combing one’s hair for one day. The virtue of oil “Banafshah” has come. It is narrated by Abu Huraira. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: The virtue of other violet oils is like mine over other people.

It is recommended that after fearing Allah and relying on Him, man should not be deprived of seven things. Neither in travel nor in the state of residence, cleanliness and outward adornment, Comb, Miswak, scissors, Badr mean the wood whose head is round and the pillow is the top. Arabs and Sufis use it to relieve their physical pain, As the lice are scratched, when it is itchy, they bite, they kill the ants, They don’t even have to touch anything. It has been narrated from Ayesha that these things should not be missed with the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in any case, whether it is a journey or a stay.


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