#Taqwa meaning | Taqwa In Islam – Islam Peace Of Heart


Taqwa In Islam

Taqwa Definition:

When the rights of slaves are violated and if you are busy in worship with happiness, then you are on the path of taqwa, Due to piety, in this world and in the hereafter, the servant is saved from the punishment of Allah by the rights of the servant. On the Day of Resurrection, due to this, the reckoning will be reduced Because, on the Day of Resurrection, the rights of worshipers and the dealings between human beings which are against the rules and regulations will be accounted for. But the person who took his right from the creatures to do his reckoning in the world and what was not his right and he leave it  And if he is afraid of the reckoning of the Day of Resurrection, then how can there be any hardship in his reckoning? It has been narrated in the hadith that on the Day of Resurrection, Allah will be ashamed to reckon with the pious. That is why the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: Do your own accounting before you are called to account before your actions are foreshadowed. The Messenger of Allah said: That abandoning the useless is the beauty of man’s Islam.

This sentence indicates that in every case work should be done with a slight pause and no action should be taken without permission. If he has the opportunity to adopt and start his citizenship, then he should do it, otherwise, he should give up and move on to other work. This was pointed out by the Messenger of Allah. And he said, “Leave whatever creates a clause in your heart and do not doubt it.” Another instruction is that the believer is reluctant to do anything After searching if it is in accordance with the Shari’ah, then he does it, otherwise, he does not do it and the hypocrite is a swallower. It works without investigation and without any hesitation, The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: If you pray so much that you become like bows and fast so much that you become like a string. Even without perfect piety, this worship will not benefit you. In another place, it is said that the believer is very much in search of sanctity. He also said that whoever does not care where his food and drink come from. ( In a haraam way or in a halal way ) So Allah will not even care which door I will take him to Hell. Jabr ibn Abdullah narrates that the Messenger of Allah said, People! None of you will die without fulfilling your provision,

So do not run after sustenance Be careful of (your duty to) Allah and seek what is lawful for you and take what is lawful for you. Leave what is haraam.  Ibn Mas’ud’s narration: He who gives alms by earning haraam earnings will not be rewarded for it. Nor will there be any blessing in spending haraam wealth, And the one who steals the haraam wealth behind him will be his only way to go to hell. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Allah does not erase evil with evil, but He removes it with good. It is narrated on the authority of Imran bin Hussain that the Messenger of Allah said: Allah says: O servant! Pay what I owe you Then you will be of the worshipers. And refrain from that which is forbidden. So you will be of the If you pay attention to the provision that I have paid attention to, then you will be one of the rich people. pious.

Meaning Of Taqwa:

The Messenger of Allah said to Abu Hurayrah: Be pious, you will be counted among the worshipers. Hassan Basri said that a little bit of piety is better than one thousand shekels of fasting and prayer. The revelation that Allah sent to Moses does not bring a servant closer to me like piety. There is a saying that rejecting (not taking) a dong of silver is better in the sight of Allah than six hundred pure Hajj (instead of six hundred). According to tradition, seventy is better than the popular Hajj. Abu Hurayrah said: On the Day of Resurrection, those who sit with Allah will be the people of piety and the people of asceticism. Abdullah ibn Mubarak said that it is better not to take a rupee of haraam (halal) than to give a hundred rupees as charity. It is narrated that Abdullah bin Mubarak used to write hadith in Syria. Coincidentally, the pen broke. He asked someone for a pen and wrote, And when he finished writing, he put the pen in the pen jar by mistake and did not return it. They had to go on a journey, When he saw the pen jar, he looked at the pen, Remember to give them a pen, and he Immediately return to Syria, So that he can return the pen he borrowed. Numan ibn Bashir said: I heard it from the Messenger of Allah: That what is halal is obvious and what is haraam is obvious and there are some things between these two that many people are unaware of. The one who escaped from suspicious things saved his religion and reputation, He who does not avoid suspicious things will go into haraam. For example, if a herdsman grazes his animals near a protected pasture, he will also graze inside the pasture.

Every king has a safe pasture. Listen carefully to Allah Safe pastures are its prohibition orders. Listen! There is an herb inside the body. If it stays right, then the whole body stays right. If it is spoiled then the whole body is spoiled, they are herbs of the heart. According to Abu Musa Usher, everything has a certain limit and the limit of Islam is piety, clarity, patience, and gratitude. Taqwa is the root of all things, patience is the source of salvation from hell, And thankfully the reason for getting to heaven. When Hassan Basri went to Mecca, he saw a boy from Ali’s family advising the people behind the Ka’bah. He would also be standing there and asking what is the root of religion. The boy replied, “Taqwa.” Hassan Basri asked what is the thing that destroys religion? The boy replied greedily. Hassan Basri was surprised. Ibrahim bin Adham said that piety is of two kinds. One duty another precaution. The duty of piety is to abstain from disobedience to Allah and precautionary abstinence is to avoid things whose sanctity is doubtful. The piety of the people is to avoid all haraam, doubts, and all that which in the eyes of the creatures is bad ignorance and accusation of Shariah. And piety of virtues is to abstain from all that which is a source of desire and pleasure of the soul. Abstinence is the avoidance of things that interfere with personal intent and desire.

The piety of the people is to leave the world, The piety of virtues is to forsake paradise, And the piety of other characteristics is the abandonment of everything except the Creator. According to Yahya bin Maaz Razi, piety is of two kinds, outward and inward. Outward piety is that every action of yours should be for Allah, And inner piety is that nothing enters your heart except Allah. This is also the saying of Yahya. He who does not act carefully in piety will not get anything he will reach the glory of Allah. There is also a saying that one who is careful in piety will have a higher status on the Day of Resurrection. It has also been said that piety is more difficult in conversation than piety in gold and silver. And it is harder to give up the chieftaincy than to give up gold and silver because gold and silver are used only to get the chieftaincy. Abu Sulaiman Durrani said that the first end of asceticism is piety as the ultimate contentment of pleasure. According to Abu ‘Uthman, the reckoning of piety is light in reward. Yahya ibn Mu’adh said: It is taqwa to stop at the limit of knowledge without any length. According to Ibn al-Jala, in poverty, the one with whom there is no piety eats haraam (pure) food. Yunus bin Abdullah said: It is taqwa to avoid every doubt and to reckon with oneself at every moment. Sufyan Suri said that there is nothing easier in the world than piety. The thing that hurts in the heart, And doesn’t let others study it, If there is no resentment in your heart for this and if there is any doubt in your heart then the such thing is a sin. Thus the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Sin is the cause of heartache This means that if something hurts your heart, and you are not satisfied with it, then avoid it.

There is a hadith of the same series in which it is said, It is a sin to abstain from things that cause distress in the heart and it is also said to give up that which causes hesitation in the heart. And embrace that which is not hesitant. Maud Karkhi says: Stop praising in the same way as you restrain the tongue from blasphemy. Bashar Hafi said that the three most difficult tasks are:

  • Generosity in poverty
  • Abstinence in solitude
  • Speaking the truth in front of a person who has both hope and fear

Bashar ibn Hafi’s sister said to Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal: We sit on the roofs and cut the spinning. From here, the flames of this sect (Dawood Zahiri) pass and the light of these torches falls on us. Is it permissible for us to be spinning in this light? Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal said: May Allah give you peace of mind, who are you? She said: I am the sister of Bashar bin Hafi. When the Imam heard this, he wept and said, “Taqwa has come out of your house. Do not cut spinning in the light of their torches.” Ali bin Attar said, “I was passing by a road in Basra. There were some elders sitting there.” And some kids were playing. I said to the children, “Aren’t you ashamed to play in front of these elders?” One of the kids said that the piety of these elders has decreased, Malik bin Dinar lived in Basra for forty years therefore their awe will also decrease. But until he died, he did not taste or eat the Basra or the date palm. When the crop of dates was reduced, they would say, Basra people! I have no stomach damage, I have not eaten anything, and my palms are not overgrown, Ibrahim bin Adham was asked why he did not drink Zamzam. He said if I had a bucket I would drink it. It is said that when the Haris Mahasaai were extended towards the suspicious food, the fingertips became sweaty, which is said that when Haris Mahasai was exposed to suspicious food, So the fingertips were sweating, which made them understand that food is not halal. It has been said that when suspicious food is brought in front of Bashar Hafi, his hand does not move toward the food. In front of some people, when the suspicious food was taken, it gave off a bad smell which made them think that the food was suspicious and refrained from eating it.

It is said of some men that when they put a morsel of suspicious food in their mouth, the morsel was not chewed. Rather, it was like sand. Allah does this to lighten their burdens, to have mercy on them, and to protect them. When they kept their mouths clean from haraam, sought halal, and tried to avoid haraam, Allah also saved them from unwanted food. Removed every difficulty of food identification, They no longer need to search and analyze the seller’s status. Neither the search for its earnings and livelihood nor its value and its origin from the halal way, Rather, he set a sign that when he saw this sign, he would stop eating and if he did not see the signs, he would eat. Rather, he set a sign that when he saw this sign, he would stop eating, and if he did not see the signs, he would eat. This statement was the absolute of those great leaders of the ummah, to whom Allah had special attention and who were generally cared for by Allah. Everything is halal for ordinary Muslims. The result of this is not to be rebuked in the eyes of the creatures, And there should be no Shari’ah accusation, as said by Sahl bin Abdullah when he was asked about the provision of halal food. He said: The lawful is he who does not disobey Allah. In another verse, the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: Halal and Pak are those in which Allah has not been forgotten. All this is lawful, It is not halal. (Meaning that the thing itself is neither halal nor haraam, but its food is halal for some people in some cases) Because if is halal, Then the food of the dead cannot be halal for anyone. (It is halal to eat the dead for the forced) Or if a policeman buys halal food from his haraam property and then returns it to the original owner and takes back his value So that food will not be halal for a pious believer (even after buying it). Because when he was in the country of the policeman, it was haraam. After the return of all Muslim bills coincidentally, This food is known as halal. From this, it is known that halal and haraam (for common people) is that which have been declared halal and haraam by citizenship. Halal is the food of the prophets, as narrated by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) heard that a man was praying Dua. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: This is the provision of the Prophets. So seek from Allah that which Allah will not punish. Thus the Shari’ah commands that whether the land is Jewish or Christian or Magian we should allow them to buy and sell alcohol and usury. And take Ushr (as tax) from them. This issue is narrated by Umar bin Khattab. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Let them buy and sell things and take Tax from the price. And of course, after taking it, the work of the Muslims may be busy. Now, if only halal is declared halal, then alcohol and usury are haraam. How can their price be halal? Due to the change of contract and occupation, it has been declared halal. So whoever takes the lamp of the Shari’ah in his hand and takes it in its light, does not make the religion long, or does it exceed its limits? He took what the Shari’ah allowed and he did not take what he did not allow And if it is given to the one who is allowed to give it and all the possessions are in accordance with the Shari’ah, then such a person will be considered as having halal food.


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