#Muharram-Ul-Haram | The Month Of Sacrifice – Islam Peace Of Heart


Muharram ul Haram is the first month on the Islamic calendar.
The month marks the most tragic event in the history of Islam that took place even before a century had passed since Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم demise.

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1400 years down the line, today the tragedy still sends shivers down one’s spine.
It was a decisive battle between good and evil. On one side was the grandson of Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم ,Hazrat Imam Hussain – who sacrificed everything for the good. On the other side, it was Yazid, the Umayyad king.
Before we get into the story let’s first understand the importance of sacrifice in Islam.
What Sacrifice Means in Islam:
As you know, the very essence of every religion on this planet is to sacrifice and submit to God. That’s what every religion teaches and preaches. Islam, from day one, has taught man to submit his will to Allah.
That’s the reason the followers of Islam are called Muslims. Because Muslim means one who submits to Allah, the Almighty God. From the memorable sacrifice of Hazrat Ibrahim to that of Ahl e Bait, Islam is all about pleasing Allah. No doubt the sacrifice of Prophet’s family will never be forgotten and will be a beacon to the truth for all times to come. 
Must Read: Muharram Wazifa
Rivalry of Hazrat Hussain and Yazid
Yazid, son of Muawiyah ,was the second caliph of Islam from the family of Umayyads. The rivalry between Hazrat Imam Hussain and Yazid was not personal. The fight was very much ideological from Hazrat Hussain’s angle.
He believed that Islam was against monarchy and patriarchal rule. Moreover, he believed Yazid’s rule was unchecked and unquestioned. He was an overlord, and Islam clearly rejected the idea of absolute authority.
Therefore, Imam Hussain didn’t accept Yazid as his caliph and demanded that he step down. That’s where the conflict was rooted. It was a war of good and bad. The righteous vs evil.
Must Read: 1 Muharram-Ul-Haram Wazifa
The Tragedy of Karbala
Due to the unjust and oppressive regime of Yazid, the people of Kufa called upon Hazrat Imam Hussain to take an action and seize power from Yazid.
Imam Hussain responded to the letters of the people by gathering his small army of 70  people. The army included his family and children as well as close associates. On his way to Kufa, he was intercepted by the mighty Yazidi army of 4000 after which the battle started off.
The days that followed witnessed the worst form of oppression any people ever faced in History. Ahl e Bait were denied water and kept in captivity for several days.
They were forced to give allegiance to Yazid. But they did not succumb and remained steadfast. Later the oppression culminated when the Yazidi army massacred the family of Hussain, where many including Iman Hussain embraced martyrdom. The remaining family of Hussain were taken as captives.
Muslims Still Mourn the Day
To this day, the story of the massacre of Prophet’s family burns like an inextinguishable flame, causing pain to every Muslim.
No matter which sect of Islam, every great scholar from every sect ha condemned Yazid and his army. To this day, th  Yazidi army is a s mbol of oppress on and evil.
To this day, Imam Hussain is the Messiah of the oppressed and disadvantaged. Every year the on the 10th of Muharram, Ashura, Muslims around the world remember this day with sadness as well  revere for the grandson of the Prophet. The day has been referred to as Karbala, which literally means “great sorrow”.
What’s the Message?
First, the Day of Ashura or Karbala gives us a message of sacrifice in the path of truth. Second, the great sacrifices of the Ahl e Bait demand us Muslims today to stand up in the face of oppression and s eak up agai st injustice. This tells us that every Muslim has the duty to learn about the Day of Ashura and believe in the power of
There have been many books written on the topics like Muharram ke fazail, Fazail e Ahle Bait, etc. By reading the books you’ll better be able to understand the complete story of Karbala and the underlying essence of the sublime sacrifice.
To sum it all, the battle of Imam Hussain and Yazid reflects many things. It reflects the power of truth and the fragility of falsehood. That good lives on and the evil eventually dies.
It shows that martyrdom is far better than a short-lived worldly kingdom. The story of Karbala will  always live in the hearts of millions of Muslims worldwide.
And, the tragic tale will continue to inspire all to fight against brutality and stand up for the weak. So long as there’s life on earth, Imam Hussain will be remembered as a Martyr of Truth and Yazid as the face of evil. Because history never forgets.


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