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Ramadan is the month of Allah SWT. Ramadan is the month of Patience, Thankful, Fasting, Worship and to pray from Allah SWT for forgive his sins. The month of Ramadan is very virtuous because the Qur’an was revealed in it. The doors of blessings open in this month, Sins are forgiven, Allah SWT increases the provision. It is obligatory to fast in Ramadan. You can read more on Virtues Of Ramadan. So Ramadan is the month of happiness. Worship in Ramadan is a double reward. Which Dua should be recite in Ramadan?
Quran Pak
There are many rewards for reciting the Qur’an in Ramadan. Quran Pak is the word of Allah SWT. If you look at the Qur’an, the Qur’an is an ocean of knowledge, The Qur’an shows the straight path. It is very good to read the Qur’an with meaning. The Qur’an is the source of the elimination of sins. The Qur’an changes destiny, the Qur’an makes the difficult easy. Whoever reads the Qur’an more in Ramadan, Allah will erase all his sins. The Qur’an illuminates his grave. The Qur’an enlightens his heart. So recite the Qur’an as much as you can read and please your Lord.
There is a double reward for praying in Ramadan. Whether it is Tahajjud prayer, Tasbeeh prayer, Fard prayer, or Nafili prayer, there are many benefits to reading it in Ramadan. Praying more in Ramadan is very rewarding. Praying in Ramadan removes one’s sins, Allah makes every difficulty easy for him. You can read more about Benefit Of Namaz I was write in my previous post.
There are many benefits to reciting Astaghfirullah in Ramadan. Man seeks forgiveness for his sins from Allah SWT. Man is the abode of sins. He commits sins. He seeks forgiveness from Allah for his sins. There are many benefits to reciting Astaghfirullah in Ramadan. This is the month in which man pleases his Lord.
Durood Pak
It is very good to recite Durood in Ramadan. If a person wishes to see the Messenger of Allah in a dream, then he should recite Durood Pak. Inshallah, In this blessed month, he will see the Messenger of Allah. You can read more about Benefits Of Reciting Durood Pak.
Kalima Tayyab
Kalima Tayyab is most powerful Kalima of faith. Whoever recite Kalima Tayyab 1000 times daily after Esha Prayer his sins will be forgive. His valid wishes will be fulfilled.
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