
Most people are tired of Black Magic. In this period, Most people suffered from black magic and black magic is too dangerous. My sisters and brothers face lots of problems and they lost everything because of black magic. Do you know why people do “Black Magic“? Because they are jealous of you they don’t want to see you happy and succeed that is why they do black magic on you.
Most people don’t want that a particular person not succeed in his life or don’t get married. Sometimes people even our relatives do black magic and close our all success and marriage doors through Black Magic. But the cure for black magic is written in the Quran.
The enemy of our Holy Prophet PBUH also does black magic in our religious leader Prophet PBUH. Allah SWT was send Dua to protect from black magic. Every Muslim should recite this Dua to remove the effect of Black Magic.

Sign Of Black Magic:

A person feels depressed, about everything he lost in his life. He lose his job, reputation, and success, and his continued shop sudden stop, He face marriage problems, fail in his exams, fail in his life, was disappointed everywhere, and the lost everything. I mean that suddenly you lose everything is the main sign of black magic.

So, Are you facing these kinds of problems in your life? Here I will share the most powerful Dua that will protect you from black magic and keep you safe from all external attacks.

Dua To Protect From Black Magic:

Recite Durood Ibrahim 11 Times

Now, recite 99 Names Of Allah SWT 1 time

Now, Recite Surah Al-Baqarah 1 time

Surah Ikhlas

Surah An-Naas

Surah Al-Kafiroon

Surah Al-Falaq

Note: You can recite “4 Qul” 3 times, 7 times, or 11 times.

Now, Recite Durood Pak


Make a fresh ablution

Perform 5 times Prayer

Recite this Dua

Begin with Bismillah

Recite 11 times Durood Ibrahim Before and after

Must Blow on water

Important Note:

If you recite this Dua then keep things in your mind. When you recite Wazifa. So, Take 1 bottle of water when you complete recite this Dua blow on the bottle and drink it only for 1 day. Keep doing daily and drink water. Inshallah, The effect of black magic will be removed. You will succeed, be healthy, and feel happiness in your life. Also, Your all stop work will be done. You and your family can drink this water too, to protect yourself from Black Magic.