#Benefits Of Dua Akasha – Islam peace Of Heart

Dua Akasha

Dua Akasha is the routine of Auliya Allah. Whoever recites Dua Akasha will be safe from evil whispers. Due to this protection, it is called Dua Akasha. Akasha means “spider’s web”. Satan uses every means at his disposal to ensnare a man.

He led him astray from the path of Allah SWT. But reciting Dua Akasha makes the devil weak. This Dua is very effective in reciting it leads to forgiveness of sins. Perseverance is created in faith.

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‣ Benefits Of Isbooh Sharif

‣ Benefits Of 40 Rabbana Duas 

‣ The Power Of Dua

He receives true repentance. Reciting Dua Akasha will fast accept forgiveness. Such tenderness arises in the heart of the reader of Dua Akasha. He seeks forgiveness from Allah SWT for all kinds of sins.

Whoever makes a habit to recite this Dua he will become special servant of Allah SWT. Dua Akasha is very effective for every work. If someone’s work has stopped, then he should gather a few people and recite Dua Akasha 111 times for 7 days. Inshallah, His work will continue.